Jealous? Not Really

Lowering her head and seeing the extended hand, Alea raised her right hand to shake his hand, only to find Theo's hand was the one shaking her hand.

"Theo?" Alea's eyebrows raised in surprise before she slightly felt embarrassed, misunderstanding his intention. Even though it was just a handshake, she thought Theo was jealous seeing her shaking hands with a guy. She thought, 'Eh? Why? Theo is jealous? But how can? He never shows anything like this before? Is this really the cold Theo?'

When she looked him in the eyes, Theo only smiled at her, shook her hand, and gently pushed her back. "If you want a handshake, there's me."

Alea dropped her jaw, unable to speak. She was completely speechless by Theo's action. Even the others opened their mouths in shock as if they just saw a ghost. Theo would never do something like this, or they might have actually been fooled by Theo.