Minotaur and Laust

In front of that question, Laust tried to recall everything fast as he was still in the middle of the battle. Although he wasn't aware of its original myth, the bull called himself the Bull of Minos, meaning he should be the son of Pasiphae and the snow-white bull that Poseidon gave to Minos as a sacrifice.

Its rank should be either Supreme or Mythical Rank. However, seeing Theo's God Rank Blessing, he hesitated to take it because he wanted the best of the best. Yet, Laust had no assurance such an offer would come to him or not.

A part of him wanted to immediately agree, but another part of him asked himself whether this power was enough to break free from the chain of his own household or not.

Laust recalled another thing. Minotaur had superhuman strength and speed. With a giant hammer in his hand, he killed all the enemies. That kind of weapon was actually similar to his own sword in that regard.