
"That's enough." Diego stopped Theo together with the battle.

Theo quickly turned to Laust and Phyrill, who somehow stopped Lavinia with two swords pointed at her neck.


The people were confused at the moment as they never expected their country to lose to a low-level nation like Thersland.

But this was also the proof that Thersland needed to show they were different this year.

Theo quickly raised his right hand while clutching his fist. His expression was cool and aloof as if telling them that the win was the result of their power, not luck.

"This… This is a big scoop!" Sheira drew a gasp as she looked at the arena in disbelief. "We have just witnessed the birth of the greatest dark horse in this competition's history! Theodore Griffith and Alea Eilric have led their team to the victory."

While Sheira focused on Theo's deeds, all other people actually discussed what Theo had done earlier.