First Meeting in Battle

When he returned to the room, a staff member came to the room to inform them of everything regarding the game they would play.

"Excuse me." The staff opened the door while carrying a silver pole in his right hand. "I will explain the next game."

Theo and the others nodded and asked him to continue.

"The game is a castle defense. The name aside, this is a game that requires three people."

"…" Theo suddenly understood before he said everything. He thought, 'I see. One of us is required to hold the flag, huh.'

While they were listening to the staff's explanation, Sheira began her commentary.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. After one day's break from the last round, we are back with another new fight that is far more exciting than what we have seen so far. This is a battle between relatives. We have no information on why they fight for separate countries, but this is worthy of being called a fated battle.