Mother and Daughter

After another two hours, Theo finally finished all the tests. At the same time, he also understood Nadia completely.

Nadia was similar to him. She didn't like the Griffith Family due to the family's rule, especially where she might be erased in an instant if something went wrong. In addition, they were like their slaves and had to do everything they were ordered.

It was no wonder she didn't like him. She might not feel the same when the Griffith Family didn't acknowledge his identity or something.

However, now that they had made their move by advising the Eilric Family, the Eilric Family were just people who were required to die if that could save Theo's life.

Alea was in shock the whole time, never expecting her and Theo's relationship to be like this since the beginning.

She wondered if she knew Theo earlier, what kind of life she would go through.