
"First of all, I would like to thank you for coming to this small place," said Theo politely

"No problem. I can finally see my grandson with my own eyes, so I already win no matter the result." Leonardo laughed nonchalantly while resting his hand on Bernard's shoulder, looking at him with a smug smile.

Bernard looked away while hitting Leonardo's hand, pushing it away. He then turned to Theo with a serious expression. "Anyway, I have presented you with my offers. I believe this is a suitable offer for you, so yeah, choose wisely."

"I will. Let me think about it first before choosing it." Theo smiled.

"Of course."

"By the way, I have a question." Theo asked, "What is your country's take in having a monster as a pet?"

"A monster as a pet?" Bernard widened his eyes and thought for a moment. Theo seemed to be planning an even more ridiculous idea than he originally thought. "You mean something like a Monster Trainer?"