Real life Role Playing Game

After a long two weeks, Theo was sitting in front of his grandfather with several screens between them. The biggest screen showed a huge map.

"I gave you the homework yesterday, and now, let's talk about this country." Leonardo pointed at the name.

"In Indonesia, there are currently several conflicts between a few influences. However, I am choosing a specific influence for us to role-play."

Theo became a bit serious as there were two dots on the map. "The first one is Hugan Group in Indonesia's previous capital, Jakarta. The Hugan Group is a colossal business group with deep pockets and a stable flow of money.

"The second one is one of the most prominent families in the current capital in Kalimantan, Tanudjaja Family. They have the help of the local government, so both of them are equal." Theo assessed both of them according to the information he reviewed earlier.