Lorenzo Part 1

While Leonardo was engaging in a conversation with Sheira, Lorenzo was staring at Davi while carrying Theo on his shoulder. "I can help him go to the pickup area."

Davi was unsure whether it was a good move to approach Theo, but the latter simply nodded his head, saying it would be alright.

Lorenzo genuinely smiled and Davi ultimately disappeared, following them from behind.

Lorenzo then stomped the ground and a pink fog began to rise from the ground and cover them.

"Teleportation." Lorenzo poured more Magic Power to send them all the way to the area where the drivers dropped them off earlier. At the same time, the drones couldn't catch up with them, so they were free to talk about anything.

Lorenzo suddenly said, "You're so good despite your low level. I guess this is why many experts are focusing on their Five Aspects more than their levels."

Theo thought for a moment and shook his head. "I gave them the same amount of time."