
After another fifteen minutes, a middle-aged man walked to the stage accompanied by a beautiful lady. The man had short white hair and sharp, aged eyes.

Suddenly, the entire hall became silent as they all had recognized his presence.

"I would like to ask for all of your attention so that the auction can start." The man said with a deep voice.

No one opened their mouths and the middle-aged man immediately started the auction. "And now, the annual auction of the Temple has begun. 165 items would be auctioned in this event.

"For the first item, we have a bright red gem from Three-Eyed Lion. It's perfect to be the eye of staff, especially for those who have Fire Affinity. The starting price is 50 million Zils, and any bid can't be lower than a hundred thousand."

Each person received a stick with a number on top of it, so the moment he finished his words, some of them immediately raised their sticks.

"50.1 million."

"50.2 million."