For Real?

"Now that you've chosen your destiny, it's time for you to return." The snake released Theo's consciousness and sent him back to reality.

Theo opened his eyes only to find a mission right before his eyes.

Mission: Get the scale.

Reward: Supernatural Snake Body Skill and Guidance.

With the excitement rising in his heart, Theo headed to the location where Mark spotted the artifact.

He even used his clone to scout from the sky since the enemies were numerous, according to the information. It would be easy to spot them.

To his shock, there was a big settlement ahead. Even the beasts around this place had been thinned down. The clone felt as if they had been hunted down like an animal to feed the population.

'Is it my target?' Theo muttered inwardly while having his clone, who had changed into an eagle form, take a look.

The result came abruptly. Ten white beams emerged from the forest and flew toward his clone.