


The knight was panting as he gradually opened his eyes. The blurry vision made him want to go back to sleep as if the torture he had earlier was just a dream.

But Theo's voice soon entered his ears, waking him up.

"Since you have woken up, it's time for you to start talking."

The knight was shocked but had no energy to show it in his expression. Instead, he raised his head weakly, looking at Theo with his blurry vision. "Joker… My friends…"

His head swayed left and right as though he was searching for his five friends, but Theo simply stated, "Give me the information I want, and I will answer your question."

The knight wanted to remember what happened, but constant pain in his legs and arms prevented him from thinking.

"Why did you want to kill me? Who ordered you?"

"Where is this?" The knight answered his question with another question.