


Theo panted a few times as he had been fighting against a single monster for fifteen minutes. It was truly one of the longest fights against a Normal Monster.

Although he was exhausted, he had some confidence in taking down the monster because he had been injuring the monster from time to time, weakening it with those wounds and blood loss.

If this continued for another ten minutes, he was sure that the monster was dead.

But the moment the entema rushed forward, lightning suddenly sparked in front of Theo and spread only in the entema's direction, electrocuting it.

"!!!" Theo was slightly surprised that Ergene chose to interfere now. But he didn't waste this time.

With the lightning numbing and paralyzing the entema's body, he made a swift charge and cut the entema. The latter still managed to avoid his attack by throwing himself to the side, but Theo still cut his left arm.