

Theo narrowed his eyes, never expecting to fight the original Theo here. "Faker, huh."

"What? I'm not wrong." The Original Theo smirked. "You are just a mere clone of me. After dying at that place, I overcame the underworld! But still… Thanks to you sending the Death Reaper down there, I had the chance to finally revive myself.

"I should be the one to have all that achievement, but you… you took away everything even though you are just a mere clone."

There were many pieces of information in his sentences. It seemed that the Original Theo somehow escaped from the system that Hel created. Still, he knew many Gods of Death other than Hel, so the original Theo seemed to be pretty lucky that he went there instead of anywhere else.

Although he could consider other underworlds that other Gods created, the Death Reaper died in the US, so the closest underworld to that place was the one Hel created.