Ava vs Airvans

A moment ago.

Ava leaped into the air and punched Airvans with her claws covered in lightning.

Airvans created a water bubble above him to stop Ava.

When the claw hit the water, the lightning remained in her claws as the water was non-conductive. At the same time, the water acted like rubber and tried to swallow Ava.

If Ava was swallowed by this bubble, she would be trapped inside the water and drown. That was why she immediately pulled back, using the rubber characteristic to launch her back to her original position.

"It's useless. Your lightning won't be able to defeat my Pure Water. If it's something conductive, I don't have a doubt that you'll be able to defeat them. But Pure Water is different." Airvans smirked, not planning to die here. They were foolish to send this rabbit against him.