Showing Who's the Boss

A few moments ago.

"What? Are you serious about this?" Rea asked while furrowing her eyebrows, staring at the screen with Theo's face on it.

Rea opened the note he gave her and showed it to him. "See? Our plan is to make them fall into despair after the defeat of Flora Wegener, right? This way, Flora will know that you are the one pulling the string this whole time, and if she can survive, you're prepared to wash away the grudges between you.

"Why do you want to change the plan right now? I mean, this should be the best plan. Even I can't think of anything better than this." Rea furrowed her eyebrows.

Theo closed his eyes with a sigh. "The answer is simple. If I use Akbar's way of talking, if we follow this plan, there is a hundred percent chance that Flora will definitely die, our plan will be ruined, and the union will be destroyed."

"Huh? Are you serious? Everything should be under control, no?"