Army of Monsters

"Are you serious? The monsters are using… Wedge Formation."

Leonardo was shocked to the core. Even in ancient times, it was hard to utilize the Wedge Formation. Not only did you need good coordination, but the tip should be strong enough to hold on, or the formation would break.

However, Leonardo was shocked that the monsters could coordinate this well. And the one leading the charge was the rhinoceros that was releasing a black Magic Power, symbolizing his status as a King Class Monster. In other words, the monsters had solved the two problems for the wedge formation.

"Are the monsters more coordinated than humans?" Leonardo commented while glancing at his grandson, who was the culprit of this great scheme.

The wedge formation was good for disrupting and piercing through the enemy's line. And with their overwhelming power, they could even create a hole through the rank, making them unstoppable.