Enemy's Reinforcement

An hour ago.

Before the battle started, Theo said to everyone. "Wait a moment. I'm going to step up for a bit."

"Are you going to see the situation?" The Dark King asked.

Theo's answer came in the form of a smile, meaning he didn't say a single thing. He then disappeared for a moment, finding a good place where he wouldn't be disturbed but was still close to the battlefield.

"I guess this is the place," Theo muttered before sitting down and crossing his legs. "If what I've seen is right, I'm afraid that I can't reveal my true body."

Theo summoned his clone from his base to this place. While looking at his clone, Theo muttered, "This is the best option right now. With my clone like this, I might not be able to win, but I won't lose either. Besides, the laws are in the last step… I shouldn't be losing too much against an Authority Level Figure.