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"Bam!" Theo smirked.

The stone ball fell on top of the silver ball, knocking it down.

The scorpion tried to lift the ball up, but it was useless. Theo had used his Telekinesis to push it down and expand the Reality downwards with his World Re-Creation, causing the ball to dip into the pond.

The water splashed and forced Theo to use his Magic Power to form a small barrier so that he didn't get wet. But he was satisfied when he saw the silver sand becoming wet.

"You!" The scorpion roared and released all his Magic Power, trying to overwhelm Theo's ability with his raw power.

However, this was the time Theo utilized the last cycle. "Heaven and Water."

Suddenly, a black cloud appeared in the sky, covering the sun. The black cloud released a few lightning inside before the rain started to pour.