Knowing One's Place

"Theodore Griffith. I know you understand me. Let's cooperate!"

"Hoh?" Theo's expression became grim. "I don't see any reason why you want to cooperate with me other than trying to trick me into freeing you."

"My plan was perfect. No one should be able to figure it out."

"Yet, you're in prison now." Theo shrugged.

"I'm in this position because of you. That's right. You're the only one who can see through my plan. The King of Fighters exposing me? Who are you fooling? I know you were the one providing him with the information.

"In fact, I should have thought about this possibility when your name was being mentioned.

"That's why I'm asking you to cooperate with me. With your brain and my resources, we can trick those monsters and defeat them."