
The people inside the laboratory didn't know what to do. On the one hand, they had no idea what was going to come after this. On the other hand, they knew the government wouldn't allow them to spread the news.

"Ronald. What's going on?" One of the journalists asked. His heart was filled with anxiety.

Ronald sighed and explained the whole truth. "You should be aware of the laboratory the government has, right?"


"The government forced me to ask Sir Theo for the information about that laboratory."

"Huh?" The people were confused, not knowing what happened behind the scenes.

"Yeah. They got my family, so I had no choice. Despite knowing I would betray him, Sir Theo helped me. He protects my family and helps me like this. That's why I'm here asking you guys to cover all the evidence." Ronald made a sad smile as if he was disappointed in himself when betraying Theo.