Weird Plan

"Embodiment… Theodore Griffith."

Rea's eyes and temperament changed in an instant as if she was being possessed. Her panicked expression had changed into a calm and collected face as if everything was still under control. Her eyes became sharp as she seemed to gain the ability to see the entire battlefield.

Now that she had become this calm, she didn't feel like talking at all. Instead, everything was resolved within herself.

'I see… So, this is how he sees the world…' Rea looked around. The four King Class Monsters that had surrounded her felt like children who just wanted to play with their parents. It felt like they were so simple to the point all fear and anxiety in her heart disappeared.

As for the battlefield, her field of vision became extremely wide. In fact, her Awareness might have enhanced his senses to the fullest. It drained the energy from her body just to maintain this form.