Chapter 4 - Start a new life

A year later.

Hangzhou, China.

 A girl was enjoying the sight of snow falling on the earth by sitting by the window of the room on the second floor.  Light brown eyes, sharp nose, curvy lashes and snow-white skin. She was dj already 23 year old after finishing college majoring in chef a year ago.

 Her desire to become a professional chef had to be destroyed because of the incident a year ago.

 Lin Xiao Yi looked pensive in front of the glass window while sitting on het back with both hands on her chin.

 That bitter incident had happened a year ago, Lin Xiao Yi still clearly remembered her extremely bitter life. Leaving the night of the newlyweds only to see her lover made love to her own siblings.

It was the lowest point in her life.  Lin Xiao Yi laughed at herself for trusting that jerk too much.  Because of Yu Chen, her life became a mess and almost became homeless.

"Do you still remember that incident?"  A girl with shoulder-length blonde hair tapped Lin Xiao Yi's shoulder who looked pensive.

 Lin Xiao Yi turned her head then let out a heavy sigh.

 "I'm just regret that I put too much trust in someone who now ruined my life." Lin Xiao Yi snorted.

 "Never mind, I hope you will get a replacement from that bastard one day," Fang Yin said, trying to comfort her best friend.  When it snows, Lin Xiao Yi always remembered that sad incident.

 "Who wants to be with me? I'm married but my status is not clear. Not married, not even widowed," Lin Xiao Yi said while sighing heavily.  However, she also did not want to marry an old man.

 "Do you know your husband's name? I mean the person who married to you?" Fang Yin said curiously.

"I don't know, I don't even know how his face looks like. According to the news circulating he is a CEO with two children. Just imagine he must be old," Lin Xiao Yi said as she gazed far out of the window.

 "You should just be with him and don't have to run away. Not bad if he's rich, after getting the treasure you can run away." Fang Yin chuckled with amusement.J

 "I don't want that disgusting old man. Just touch his hand, I might vomit," Lin Xiao Yi said with disgust and shudder with horror.

 There was a hard reason why Lin Xiao Yi thought that way.  Some people say that the man was ugly, old, has a distended stomach and bald head. She has also seen it even if only briefly.

 "Please don't discuss about it," Xiao Yi said.

 "Xiao Yi, do you know the house across there?"  Fang Yin pointed to a large house that looked more like a palace at the end of the road.

 The house that had just been built a few months ago and was recently occupied.

"Hmmm, that new house? Why is it?"  Lin Xiao Yi knitted her brows together.  Her gaze was fixed on the mansion that was only dimly visible because the snow was falling heavier.

 "The owner is a single daddy with his very sweet daughter. They just moved in a few days ago," Fang Yin said.

 "Then what is the relationship with me that you report? It doesn't seem important at all," Lin Xiao Yi said indifferently.

 After Yu Chen's betrayal of her, Lin Xiao Yi was more closed off to men.  Moreover, her status was not clear at this time.  She chose as much as possible to stay away from any man.

 "Nothing, I just wanted to tell you. Earlier I met one of the servants who worked there. Said that a small child doesn't want to be with her caregiver. Every day she always comes with her father to work," Fang Yin said.

 "Whatever, it's none of my business," Lin Xiao Yi said.  When talking about small children, the girl was very sensitive because since she was a teenager, she didn't really like young children.

 "I've seen that adorable little girl," Fang Yin said while putting on a happy face.

"I'm not interested in your story," Lin Xiao Yi said in a flat tone.  Then went to the bathroom because she hadn't cleaned herself since morning.

 "You are not very fun," Fang Yin grumbled with pouted lips.

 Lin Xiao Yi felt very lucky to meet Fang Yin who was willing to help her.  If only at that dark night she didn't help her, Lin Xiao Yi didn't know where she would live.

 Fang Yin has lived alone for a long time because her parents died in an accident three years ago.  So they only live alone in that house.

 Since being kicked out, Lin Xiao Yi decided not to contact them so she changed her cellphone number.  She also didn't keep her family number at all.