Chapter 23 - Fainting

Lin Xiao Yi had indeed been deliberately lingering in the bathroom for a long time.  She even deliberately soaked in the bathtub so she wouldn't get out quickly.  Hoping that when she come out, the pair of father and child will have left her house.

 "Why do they always appear? Especially looking at that man, I really want to slap his cheek when I remember how he underestimated me," Xiao Yi grumbled while playing with the soap foam in her hand.

 Xiao Yi deliberately covered her ears with earphones to listen to music to made her feel more at home.  After a day of walking back and forth her body needed an intake to be more relaxed.  It turned out that soaking in warm water really made her body comfortable.

 Half an hour had passed.  Downstairs, Li Zheng Yu was getting bored from just leaning on the sofa like an unemployed person.  Even though at home, his work was piling up.

"Mei-Yin, we should just go home. We have been waiting for almost 3 hours but Aunt Xiao Yi doesn't seem to be coming out," Li Zheng Yu said, who had straightened up in a sitting position.

"Later, Father. But if you want to go home, go away," Mei-Yin said innocently.  She was engrossed in playing up and down the stairs as if she was not tired at all.

 "Mei-Yin, be more polite because this is not your house. You can't play to as your will in someone else's house," Li Zheng Yu said.  Since earlier he had been silent when he saw his daughter who was running here and there.

 "Very well," Mei-Yin said with pouted lips.  Then she sat down on one of the lowest steps.

 "Actually, what was she doing up there for so long? Could she have fallen asleep."  Li Zheng Yu kept chuckling in annoyance.

"Mei-Yin, haven't you stayed at this house? Go you see what aunt Xiao Yi is doing. Don't let her fall asleep in her room," Li Zheng Yu said, who was both impatient and suspicious.  They were waiting for an ordinary girl but felt like they were waiting for a queen.

 "Father has no time left. If she falls asleep then we will go home right now," Li Zheng Yu continued firmly.

If it weren't for Mei-Yin, he wouldn't wast his time.

 "Yes, Father," Mei-Yin said and then walked up the stairs with half running steps.

 After arriving at the room, Mei-Yin looked around to find Xiao Yi's whereabouts.

 "Aunt Xiao Yi, where are you?" Mei-Yin shouted as she continued to walk toward the bathroom.

Knock knock knock

 "Auntie, are you in there?"  Mei-Yin said as she put her ear on the door.  But there was no answer or any voice from within.  Not even running water was heard.

 Mei-Yin continued to bang on the door but still there was no sound.

 Mei-Yin quickly descended the stairs to meet her father.

 "Father, come here quickly," Mei-Yin exclaimed as she waved her hand at Li Zheng Yu who was still sitting on the sofa.

 "What is wrong?"  Li Zheng Yu said lazily and did not excitedly.

 "Aunt Xiao Yi seems to have passed out in the bathroom," Mei-Yin said.

 "How could she, she looked fine earlier. After all, she doesn't look like a weak girl," Li Zheng Yu said as he pinched between his eyebrows.

 Finally Mei-Yin got down and then grabbed Li Zheng Yu's wrist.

 "Father, hurry up and come with me," she said.

Li Zheng Yu snorted in annoyance but in the end he followed his beloved daughter.  With a sense of laziness, he finally climbed the stairs to the second floor.

 The man looked around the room, there was no one there.

 "Where is the girl?"  Li Zheng Yu muttered as he followed Mei-Yin who was already in front of the bathroom door.

 "Father, hurry and open the door," Mei-Yin said, while blinking her eyes.

 Knock knock knock

 Li Zheng Yu chose to bang on the door quite hard before forcefully opening the door.

 "Xiao Yi, did you pass out inside so you didn't come out earlier?"  Li Zheng Yu said as he chuckled.

There wasn't any sound from inside of the bathroom.  The man began to worry that what his daughter said would be true if the girl fainted.

 Li Zheng Yu forcibly turned the knob but the door couldn't be opened either.

 "Mei-Yin, step aside so you won't get hit," Li Zheng Yu ordered, who was ready to take a swing in breaking down the door.

 Mei-Yin obeyed her father to shift her body to the edge even further.

 Half-trotting several wide strides, Li Zheng Yu pushed very hard at the door with his feet.