Chapter 35 - Kiss

 "What do you mean a week? Didn't you say it was only one night? Why did you change your mind?" Xiao Yi grumbled.

 "Do you intend to trick me? I told you to read the agreement letter, but you even signed it immediately without reading it," Li Zheng Yu said to remind her because he didn't want to be blamed.

"You're the con man? You said it is only one night but why is it change into a week?" Xiao Yi wanted to hit Li Zheng Yu in the face with a stone. Really she felt like she had been tricked by the old man.

"I've spent a lot of money. The money I spent could buy 20 women a night out there. Do you think I'm wasting money just like that," Li Zheng Yu explained with a flat face.

"You're such an impudent man." Xiao Yi hit Li Zheng Yu's chest very hard to vent her anger.

But Li Zheng Yu was already gripping Xiao Yi's hand tightly. The man didn't want to be looked down on by a woman. It was enough for him to be abandoned twice by two different women.