Chapter 38 - Angry

After putting Mei-Yin to the bed in her room, Xiao Yi descended the stairs to the first floor. Today, her duty was only to put Mei-Yin to sleep. Due to an injury to her leg, Ling Zhi helped her to take care of Mei-Yin.

"Ouch," Xiao Yi groaned. It turned out that her knee was a bit sore even though it was treated. Both of her elbows and knees were covered in plaster.

 "It's all because of that old man, I feel like I just want to get out of this house," Xiao Yi grumbled as she pursed her lips.

It turned out that her fate a year ago until now was still the same. In the end, she will get stuck onto the old man too. But at least Li Zheng Yu was a little younger than her old husband.

Xiao Yi shook her head. She shuddered at how she could think of an old man who was already married to her.

 Even though her knees felt stiff but Xiao Yi still walked towards the kitchen to get a drink. The house was quiet because the maids had fallen asleep.