Charming 93 - sleep while walking

Xiao Yi still hugged Li Zheng Yu's body until morning. Hugging something that feels warm makes her feel comfortable and reluctant to wake up. Moreover, her body needed warmth.

With her eyes still closed, Xiao Yi squirmed to stretch her body muscles. But back to hugging someone by her side. Until her hands move like human skin instead of a pillowcase.

"Why is it like people's skin? There's no way I'm holding my own hand because I don't feel it either," Xiao Yi muttered. The thing she was holding was also much bigger than a bolster. It feels warmer too.

Xiao Yi slowly blinked her eyes to make sure what she had in mind was wrong.

Xiao Yi suddenly sat up because she was very surprised by what she saw. The eyes that used to feel very sleepy now opened wide. 

Li Zheng Yu was still sleeping with his back to Xiao Yi. Since falling asleep, he has not woken up at all.

"Mr. Li," Xiao Yi muttered as she took a closer look at the man's face.