Chapter 97 - I want you to be my partner tonight.

Xiao Yi dragged her feet following Li Zheng Yu even though she was actually very lazy.

They were still in a mall, so it was not difficult to find a large number of clothing stores. They just choose which one they like.

Xiao Yi and Mei-Yin sat on one of the waiting chairs because Li Zheng Yu was talking to the shop owner. They didn't know what he was talking about because he looked very serious.

"Was there any woman close to your dad besides your mom?" Xiao Yi asked Mei-Yin, to find out more.

Mei-Yin blinked her eyes. Trying to remember, he shook his head.

"I don't know," she said.

Xiao Yi snorted because it was pointless to ask a small child. There was no way Mei-Yin would know that.

"Mom, don't ever leave me again. I don't want to lose you again," Mei-Yin said while clinging to Xiao Yi's arms.