Chapter 109 - Stimulants?

She slowly rubbed the red marks that were still clearly visible on her smooth skin. Thinking about what happened last night, Xiao Yi felt like banging her head against the wall.

If last night she had been stronger to struggle and resist, surely she would still be a virgin now. At least Xiao Yi also wants to give honor to only her husband. 

Xiao Yi hit the head repeatedly with slow motions. Feeling stupid herself.

With slow footwork and puffy eyes, Xiao Yi decided to get out of the bathroom. Although it still hurts a bit, Xiao Yi tries to keep walking alone. Didn't want to ask Li Zheng Yu to help her. She could already guess, the man would definitely take another chance.

Li Zheng Yu can breathe a sigh of relief that Xiao Yi has finally come out of the bathroom. Grateful that the girl didn't do as bad as he thought.

Xiao Yi's face continued to frown without the slightest smile. Even more so when she saw Li Zheng Yu, it made her even more gloomy.