Chapter 127 - I'm not interested in them

Garden Villa,

Li Zheng Yu can only agree with Xiao Yi, who would return to the villa in the afternoon. They stayed in the apartment all day. There was a feeling of unwillingness. Soon they will not be able to freely be together.

If he suddenly told Zhaoxing about their relationship, Li Zheng Yu was worried that he would hate him even more! It turns out that establishing a good relationship with his own son was not easy.

"Xiao Yi, where have you been? Mei-Yin cried all night thinking you were missing," Zhaoxing said when he saw Xiao Yi had arrived home.

Xiao Yi scratched the back of her head which didn't even itch at all.

"I … I stayed at my friend's house. Last night it rained heavily when I was about to go home," Xiao Yi said with a faint smile.

"Then why are you coming home now? It's late too! You should be able to go home in the morning, right?" Zhaoxing said with a questioning look. He was worried all night too.