Chapter 129 - Stop it

Xiao Yi suddenly crossed her mind, the place where she had first encountered Zhaoxing. Twice Xiao Yi found Zhaoxing there.

Without a second thought, Xiao Yi immediately stopped the taxi to get there as soon as possible. That was the only place Xiao Yi thought of.

"Please speed up the car a bit," Xiao Yi ordered the driver who had already gotten into the taxi. She sat restlessly shaking her legs.

"All right, Miss," said the taxi driver.

Xiao Yi had to hold on to the chair because the taxi was going so fast. Her body was being swayed by the swerving car, speeding through the empty streets of Hangzhou.

Within fifteen minutes, the taxi was at Xiao Yi's destination. Xiao Yi's breath was panting due to tightness. Her head was also throbbing from shaking in the car.

"You crazy driver!" Xiao Yi cursed after stomping her feet on the ground. She wanted to be angry but was aware of her mistake. She was the one who asked the driver to speed up.