Chapter 146 - I beg you to make me your wife

Lin Qi Ming narrowed his eyes with a furrowed forehead. Tried to guess what was on his wife's mind.

 "Ying Yu, what do you mean?" asked Lin Qi Ming suspiciously.

"I mean that Li Zheng Yu's wife should be Xiao Ling," Ying Yue said casually, ignoring Xiao Yi's feelings that might be hurt.

 "It can't be like that. It's Xiao Ling's own fault for refusing to marry Li Zheng Yu," said Lin Qi Ming, refusing his wife's proposal. This was a good time to defend Xiao Yi.

 "Qi Ming, you should also remember that Xiao Yi also ran away when they just got married," Ying Yue said in a rising voice.

 "That's just the past. Now all the trouble is over because they've been reunited," said Lin Qi Ming.

"Master Li, I'm really sorry for rejecting the marriage in the past. Xiao Yi said that you are an old, bald, and ugly man. That's why I didn't want to," said Xiao Ling with a pitiful face, distorting the truth.