Chapter 157 - She won't care anymore

 "So what if I'm here? There's nothing you need to hide from me anymore," Li Zheng Yu teased with a wink.

 "How annoying!" Xiao Yi threw the pillow until it hit Li Zheng Yu's face. He knew she was upset but the man was still teasing her.

 "Xiao Yi, where are you going?" Li Zheng Yu asked when he saw Xiao Yi who was already hugging her clothes.

Li Zheng Yu immediately got off to follow his wife into the bathroom.

 "Master Li, can't you not follow me? Should I wear clothes in front of you to satisfy you?" Xiao Yi exclaimed with anger that was already at the crown. It felt like it was going to explode.

 "Okay, don't be so angry. I'm just here in case you might need my help," Li Zheng Yu said with a chuckle.


 Xiao Yi slammed the door firmly before Li Zheng Yu followed her.