Chapter 171 - Shopping

"Looks like you need to find some models and colors of clothes for you. I see your clothes are the same color which is black." Xiao Yi observed Li Zheng Yu's appearance today. The suits he wore were always black and other colors that tend to be darker.

 "I don't like wearing clothes of other colors."

 "Come on, let's play with some bright colors once in a while." Xiao Yi grabbed Li Zheng Yu's wrist to follow her into a shop.

 When they arrived, they were greeted warmly by a maid who stood guard at the door.

"Please, sir and madam," said the maid, ushering them in.

 Xiao Yi immediately walked among the rows of dangling men's clothes. All the colors looked very attractive. Until Xiao Yi found a navy blue shirt. As far as she remembered, Li Zheng Yu only had a white shirt. Almost all of them had the same color.

 "Master Li, this seems to fit your body very well." Xiao Yi put the shirt in front of her husband's body.