Chapter 177 - I can't believe you

"Sex workers? I booked some rooms for my employees so they wouldn't come home because tomorrow we will continue the meeting with clients here again. It's a pity if they have to go back and forth," explained Li Zheng Yu patiently. It seemed that this time his wife had misunderstood.

 "I can't believe you," said Xiao Yi then turned her body to the side so as not to face Li Zheng Yu.

 Li Zheng Yu took a deep breath as he massaged his temples.

 "What should I do to make you believe me?" persuaded Li Zheng Yu gently. His tired looking eyes looked at Xiao Yi affectionately.

 "Nothing, I should just go home," said Xiao Yi.

 Just as Xiao Yi was about to stand up, Li Zheng Yu had already held her wrists so she would be sitting still.

Xiao Yi snorted, annoyance and embarrassment mixed into one. That was why she wanted to leave.