Chapter 195

A few days later.

Qin Lan and Xiao Ling hadn't left the villa. Xiao Yi felt very disturbed by them. Xiao Ling had a lot of rules in that house.

 "Xiao Yi, as a wife you should also wash your clothes diligently," suggested Xiao Ling for the umpteenth time.

 "Do you think I can't wash all this time? I used to do it all the time when I was little," Xiao Yi cursed.

 "Really? Why didn't I know about it?" Xiao Ling remained relaxed.

"That's because you never did that." Xiao Yi was surprised that Xiao Ling was now too controlling of her life.

 "Remember that in this house, I'm Mr. Li's wife, not his servant," said Xiao Yi firmly. She said what her husband said.

 "Xiao Yi, you are indeed his wife but in the past I always prepared whatever Zheng Yu needed," Qin Lan explained.

 Xiao Yi puffed her nose. Why was Qin Lan lecturing her too? Did they conspire to get rid of her?