Chapter 221

Li Zheng Yu looked at Xiao Yi with a happy face. Then approached her who was sitting while holding Mei-Yin.

"Father, where is mother?" Mei-Yin asked when she saw that Li Zheng Yu just entered alone.

"Mother?" Xiao Yi narrowed her eyes, looking at Li Zheng Yu.

"She's home," Li Zheng Yu said simply.

"Why weren't you told her to come in?" Mei-Yin asked once again.

"Your mother didn't want to. She has a business," said Li Zheng Yu. It was fine to lie once in a while as long as it was for the good.

Xiao Yi bit her lower lip. She knew what Li Zheng Yu was doing was for her sake. Her husband must have kicked Qin Lan out.

"Auntie, can I help chop the vegetables? When I grow up I'll want to be good at cooking," said Mei-Yin.

"Yes, since Xiao Yi is not in the mood to cook, Mr. Li can also help me," said Fang Yin.

"No, I don't want to poison my wife again," Li Zheng Yu firmly refused. His face looked sour because of anger.