Chapter 223

Li Zheng Yu was already fast asleep while hugging Xiao Yi's body. Until slowly he was awake because he heard his cell phone ringing for the umpteenth time.

"Who's calling on a night like this?" Li Zheng Yu grumbled under his unrecovered consciousness.

He slowly shifted his body so as not to wake the sleeping Xiao Yi. It was a pity because she just got to sleep an hour ago.

Li Zheng Yu massaged his temples when he saw Zhaoxing's name on the phone screen.

"What is it?" Li Zheng Yu asked in a hoarse voice.

"Are you not looking for mother? Until now, she hasn't been found. I didn't expect you to have the heart to let my mother go somewhere at this time of night alone," Zhaoxing grumbled, his voice was rising with anger.

"I've mobilized my men to find your mother. Just be patient, I'm sure it won't be long before your mother will be found," Li Zheng Yu said while holding his jaw.