Chapter 230

Xiao Yi tried to approach Zhaoxing. Although he was annoying, but she knew Zhaoxing was a good kid. Because their relationship was fine before.

"Zhaoxing, you'd better go home and rest. Let me look after your mother here," Xiao Yi coaxed.

"Stop pretending as if you care," Zhaoxing sneered sarcastically.

"Zhaoxing, watch your words. You should be more polite to Xiao Yi. She's also your mother," Li Zheng Yu cut in.

"Mother? What kind of mother is she?" Zhaoxing sneered as he looked away.

"You ...." Li Zheng Yu was ready to raise his hand. To be honest, he didn't like Zhaoxing's attitude towards Xiao Yi.

"Mr Li, stop it." Before Li Zheng Yu could throw his hand, Xiao Yi had held his hand first.

"Zhaoxing, I know you must be very disappointed, but you should try to understand," Li Shizen advised. In here he was the mediator between them because he was the eldest and he didn't want any chaos to happen.