Chapter 21

The rest of their dinner was spent in silence, either eating or drinking. Once they were done, Hyun and Jung-Hee, together with their two guards, went to find their rooms. Luckily, and to their huge relief, they didn't bump into Byung-Ho's group as they left the table. Even so, Jung-Hee was still careful to hide herself with the help of Hyun's body.

After giving the guards several words of caution, Jun wished Hyun and Jung-Hee a good night, before finally leaving the inn.

When he got outside it was already dark. Despite being summer, the night air was slightly chilly and Jun involuntarily shivered.

"Better go to the base and see how things are going." He muttered to himself, while hastening his footsteps.

The base he was referring to was in fact the cloth shop he showed Hyun and Jung-Hee earlier that day.