Service Dog

Have you ever met someone who you disliked that person from the beginning? In my twenty five years of life, I have met many such people. I sat quietly looking at the emptiness, waiting for Jack to arrive. I have been thinking about the scene I encountered when I came home from the hospital the other day. It looks so real, as if it happened before my eyes. I still remember the clear face of the young woman. There is blood everywhere. Her screams pleading for help, it was really hard to get rid of the image in my head.

Then Chi walked in and he told me Jack had arrived. Jack sat in front of me with his strong men perfume. Jack is a young workaholic. I want to know what his girlfriend will look like, or who has enough patience to marry him.

"I surveyed the real estate market and your house is estimated to be worth 3.4 million dollars. The good news is that there are already two people offers you 3.5 million dollars."

"I brought this place for 2 million dollars, the housing market is developing so fast over the years."

"Mr. Wu, If you want to sale it. We could accept the offer right away," he said.

"Jack, we have been friends for a long time. You can sell this house for 3.5 million. You can keep half a million. As long as the buyer agrees not to move in next month."

"Don't worry, they are not in a hurry, they will not be here until the middle of the following month. After all the paperwork is ready, it will be at least one and a half month." I could hear the excitement in his voice.

"Jack, is there any big news?"

"Mr. Wu, what kind of news?"

"Such as murder or despairing of women?"

"Um...oh, an immigrant worker from Vietnam, was killed."

"Man or woman?"


"Forget it," I said. "Help me find a small apartment."

"Of course."

Jack's phone rang, and he excuses himself to answered his phone. After a while, he came back and told me that he had to meet another client. He walked to the screen door and hurried back quickly.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Regard of the Vietnamese migrant workers, his wife and daughter are missing. I have to go. I will notify you when I find a suitable place for you."

Missing... the wife and daughter of the migrant worker are missing. I shook my head to the coincidence. I hardly sleep that night because through out the night I heard chain shackle dragging back and forth inside my bedroom.

Throughout the week, I felt that when I was sleeping in bed, someone would knock on my window. I heard knocking, I heard voices inside my head. When I fall asleep, I have nightmares. I dreamed of someone I didn't even know. I dreamed of places I have never been. I started to lose my mind.

When I woke up that morning, Chi told me that it's Friday the twelfth. I have a appointment to go see the psychiatrist.

Chi drove me to the clinic and took me to the waiting room. Soon, a medical assistance came out and took me into a room. I can hear soft waterfall music. The medical assistance take my blood pressure and asked sort of BS questions. I know this is part of her job, but before continuing, she asked the same question twice or three times. I gave her a yes and no question, but she will rehearse the question. I am not a very patient person. I also want to know the medical assistance already has asked me so many questions. What kind of additional questions the psychiatrists will ask?

When I was sitting there waiting for the psychiatrist, the room suddenly became very cold. I felt the hair on my neck and the hair on my arms stood up.

"Help me," I heard a woman's voice whispering softly past my ear. "Help me."

My heart began to pound.

"Help me," she said weakly. "Help me..."

"Who are you?" I turned left and right.

"Help me." I saw a pair of hands reaching for my feet.

In a state of panic, I stood up and quickly back into the wall.

The woman with her feet crawled towards me slowly. I can hear the loud sound of chains being dragged in my ears. She stepped slowly.

"Help me." She begged. "Help her."

"Go away! Stay away. I will call the police." She kept crawling. When her hand touched my foot. I closed my eyes. "This is not true. This is not true. I am blind. I am blind. Blind people cannot see..."

"Please help me." The woman grasped my ankle tightly. "She has no time."

Then the door opened, guess where I am standing? I was standing by the dilapidated door, but on the swinging side of the door. The freaking door swung right into my face.

"Good morning, Mr. Wu", said the dumb ass psychiatrist. He called his medical assistance. "Lin, Mr. Wu is not in the room. Is he inside the restroom?"

"I am behind the door," I said.

"My God, I'm sorry Mr. Wu, I'm sorry." He closed the door. "Your nose is bleeding. Sit down and let me help you stop the bleeding before we start."

Stupid bastard, I swear, if my handsome face is damage in anyway, I will sue you. I will ensure that your clinic goes bankrupt.

"It's just a bleeding nose, it's no big deal," I said politely.

After sitting down, listen to the voice of the psychiatrist rants for two hours and complete the psychiatric examination. The psychiatrist told me that I was fine. He did not see any signs that I was mentally ill.

"How about what I saw? They come and go."

"Mr. Wu, sometime, when big accident such as yours happened. Our mental health is a little off, but once everything goes well, you will return to normal. I read your files. Your mother recently passed away, and then shortly afterward, you become blind. These are major life events changes. I suggest you find a partner. . Service dogs are great companions."

"Do you think I'm lonely?"

"A service dog can be a good companion for emotional and physical support."

"I am not lonely, I have never been lonely, you are such a shit." I stood up and grabbed my cane, and pushed the door hard, but the stupid door did not open. The door wants me to stay, and be humiliate more by this psychiatrist. After serval minutes, the door still won't open.

"Mr. Wu, please pull the door handle, do not push."

I pulled the door and it opened. I walked out of the stupid clinic madly. Then I realized that, especially during the day, I couldn't see anything, everything would become very bright. I reached into my pocket, apparently I forgot my sunglasses in the stupid clinic. I refuse to go back. I will try my best to call Chi to pick me up. I walked slowly down the street to a small park, sitting under a tree on a wooden bench.

I took out the phone and dialed Chi's number, but it was still too bright to see the dial pad. I pressed voice recognition.

"Call Chi."

"According to universal energy arts and Yogichild Academy."

I got so mad, so I tossed my phone away, and heard a dog wailing softly. I arched back at the rose bushes and saw the blue dog with sapphire blue eyes staring at me. The poor dog looked scared. Then I realized that I could see the color of the dog. I walked slowly and stretched out my hand.

"Come here, I won't hurt you." I checked the dog, and the dog didn't have a name tag. The dog slowly approached. I thought about what the psychiatrist said. I picked up the puppy. "I will take you home to be my service dog."

I held the dog and picked up the phone. I dialed Chi to pulled the car over. When I returned to the small road and waited for Chi to pull the car over. I realized that I can see everything as clearly as when I am not blind. I realized that my vision was back. I looked at the dog and realized, since I can see now, I didn't need a service dog anymore.

"I don't think I need you anymore. I can see it now."

I put down the dog and looked up, I couldn't see anything anymore. Then I picked up the stupid dog and I can see. I did this for about ten times, and the result was the same every time. I sighed, I really have to keep the dumb dog.

Chi stopped the car and I got into the back seat of the car. I put the dog next to me. The car drove away slowly from the park.

"The only stupid person between us is you." I slowly turned my head and stared at a handsome man. His sapphire eyes stared at me angrily. "I am a wolf, not a dog." He rolled his blue sapphire eyes at me, which made my spine chill. "Hey Blindy, it's best to pay attention to your mouth, because I might eat you alive."