The Nemesis

Have you ever hated someone very much, but at the same time want them to be close to you? You want them to be close so that you can seize their weaknesses and defeat them later. It's like the old proverb "Keep your loved ones close, but keep your enemies closer". Sun Tzu wrote: Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. This is exactly what I intend to do for my nemesis.

From the first day I met Xiao Lan to now (it has been two weeks), Xiao Lan refuses to move or go home. Whenever I asked him to move or go home, he would tell me that he can go home only if he accumulate enough merits. To be honest, there are some benefit having Xiao Lan around. There are some advantages and disadvantages having Xiao Lan with me. First, I can see when Xiao Lan is around. Second, those strange sounds and hallucinations no longer appear. Third... third...

The disadvantage of having Xiao Lan is more than the advantage of having him around. First of all, he is not helping in the house. He behaves like a prince in a fairy tale. He refused to eat anything other than meat. A normal person would eat a balanced diet of vegetables and fruits, but if you put them in front of him, he will stare at you with evil sapphire eyes and refuse to eat. He doesn't like bathing. He doesn't spend more than five minutes in the shower. He refused to put dirty clothes inside the wash basket. He refuses to sleep on the sofa or dog mat. He arrogantly walk around my house as if he own the place acting as a human.

What I hate most about him is that he knows where I am. Wherever I go, he knows as if he have a tracking device implanted in me. As I am sitting across from Xiao Lan, he was eating steak happily, and I wanted to know where I would live. I need to move out of my luxury home and live in another place where I can start again. I want to live my life in a quiet place, where I can enjoy the four seasons of winter, spring, summer and autumn.

"How about Gansu province?" Xiao Lan said.


"You were thinking enjoying your life in a nice quiet place with the four seasons."

"Who allow you to read my mind?"

"You did." Xiao Lan drank from his cup. "There are many smaller towns around the area."

"Xiao Lan, how about, I buy you a house in Gansu province since you like it there? You can finally move out."

"Where would you going to live?"

"I would buy myself another house far down south right at the border of Thailand or Laos. I think it would be best if we are living very…very…far apart. If I could, I would prefer living on the other side of the world away from you."

"You don't need to buy me a house in Gansu province."

"Why not?" I asked.

"I have a room in Gansu province."

"Xiao Lan…" I held my table knife tightly. "I thought you said that you don't have a house and you can't go home without accumulating enough merit." I was ready to pierce my knife into his evil sapphire eyes. "Why... suddenly... you have a house in Gansu?" I lost my temper at him.

"I don't think of it as a house. I go there once a year." He still chews the food calmly, as if this conversation won't disturb him at all. "Buy me a ticket to He Zuo."

"Xiao Lan, are you leaving?" I said excitedly.


"I will book a flight for you right away. You can leave this afternoon. I will give you some money for you to travel home."

"You sound very excited," Xiao Lan smiled at me.

"Of course I am. You are going home and you will meet your family."

I am very happy, it does show on my face. I am very happy to finally get rid of the leech who has been leeching on me for several weeks. As soon as Xiao Lan the leech left. I will move out immediately and close all contacts with him. I quickly finish eating and finish the meal, and excuse myself from the dinner table.

I left the dining table and went straight to the bedroom. I locked the door and dialed Jack.

"Yes, sir," Jack said.

"Jack, have you find me a place yet?"

"Yes, sir," Jack replied. "I will send you the photos."

"Jack, no need for that right now. Buy a one way bus ticket from here to Hezuo."

"For whom?"

"Xiao Lan."

"Okay sir."

"I want it in now. The sooner the departure time, the better."

"The earliest one is at 3:05PM today."

I looked at my watched and it was already 1:15 PM.

"Perfect. I will take Xiao Lan to the bus station at 1:30. You make sure that the moving crew are here by 2:00. I need everything to be moved to the new place by 3:00PM this evening. I will call you. Tell Chi that he doesn't need work until the end of the month. I have paid him already."

"Yes, I will replay the news for him."

"I have to go. I don't want the leech to suspect me. You must remember not to leak any information, about my whereabouts unless I will sue you."

"I see."

I opened the bedroom door and Xiao Lan stood there staring at me, as if I should apologize to him.

"What?" I asked him.

"Did you get me a ticket to Zehuo?"

"Yes, I did. I got you a bus ticket. Also, when I take you to the station, I will give you some money from the ATM."

"I know that you have many car in your garage. Can we take your Jeep wrangler to send me to the bus state?"

"What? Why?"

"Oh, I have never ridden on jeep before."

"Of course." I smiled at Xiao Lan.

I don't care about his needs at this point, if he wants me to take him to the bus station, I will be willing to comply. I hope to gets rid of him as soon as possible.

I took Xiao Lan to the bank, and I withdrew three hundred yuan to Xiao Lan. I also brought some snacks for Xiao Lan to eat on his eleven hours trip. I park my Jeep at the bus station's parking lot.


"What?" I quickly turned around, but to my surprise, the bastard Xiao Lan the bastard kissed me on the lips. I blinked, and then everything went dark.

The kiss shocked me. This is what they said, scared to death. I fainted.

In this darkness, I feel cold. My hands and feet started to freeze. During this time, I feel like I am in a vase black water. I crawled into the position of the fetus, hoping I would feel warm, but I still felt cold. I also hear voices everywhere, but it seems that I understand some, but not all.

As soon as Xiao Lan left me, I became blind, heard strange sounds, saw strangers appear in front of me, and all these happened again. I tried very hard to get rid of Xiao Lan, I will not follow him to him to Hezuo. I opened my eyes and I was in a strange room.

I sat up and felt that there was nothing around me except the sheets and thick smelly blankets. I saw a little oil lamp flickering on the table. I went to the table and sat down. Because I don't know where I am, my heart is beating. I pinched myself twice and it hurts both times. I know, I am not in a dream.

I thought of the worst case. Am I being kidnapped? If that is true, what does the kidnapper want? I am a rich person, but I am mean, so not many people know that I am rich. Jack is the only person who knows I am rich. Chi didn't even know.

Then, the door slowly opened, and my kidnapper would enter the room. I don't know what he wants. When the door was fully opened and the man walked forward, I couldn't believe my eyes.

Xiao Lan the nemesis stared at me, his evil sapphire eyes gleaming in the the dark. I was furious. I can smell my anger and find myself hyperventilating.

"Oh, you are awake now," Xiao Lan the nemesis said.

I refused to talk to him because I was still furious.

"Are you hungry?" he asked naively.

I was snarling at him as if, if he move one inch forward. I will bite him like crazy dogs fighting for food on the street. He approached me and put a blow of noodle on the table.

"Where…the…hell…are…we…?" I asked angrily.

"My room."

"Xiao Lan!" I yelled angrily. I grabbed his front collar. "Tell me how the hell do we end up here?"

"We drove here."

"I don't want to be here. I bought you a bus ticket to get rid of you. ''I pushed him away. "I hate you."

"I hope you stay true to your words and never like me," He said. He walked to the door. "Sleep." He closed the door.

Of course, I will never like you. I will hate you forever. If I hate someone, I will never like them. I hate you Xiao Lan, my nemesis.