Chen Zhuzi 1.5

People say that when you are in danger, the first person you think of is always the person you know, no matter what the situation, he will always have your back regardless of the danger of the situation. If that is true, then why I thought about why Xiao Lan. He is my enemy, he just slapped me on the butt to kingdom come. He even embarrassed me by forcing me to call him father and surrender to him. He wants me to be at his bottom. Xiao Lan's bad influencing even made me have wet dreams about him and me. I believe that because I hate Xiao Lan so much, my brain will automatically call him because I have been thinking about him. Don't think in the wrong way like Chi and Jack. I was thinking about how to beat him and make him my bottom.

Jack asked, "Jig, are you alright? What's the matter with you?"

"I...I..." I looked around, I was no longer in the massacre school. I am standing in front of the law firm building.

Jack looked at me and said, "Honestly, tell me as a friend." Jack folded his arms across his chest. "Who the hell is this Xiao Lan?"

"What?" I began to walked away from Jack towards the Law firm.

"You call his name loudly, as if you know he will show up and save your day." Jack looked at me firmly. "Who is Xiao Lan?"

"Who said Xiao Lan must be a him." I looked at Jack's unconvinced expression. "Well, let's hurry up."

Jack said, "Avoiding this question means there is a problem between you and Xiao Lan. Look...I know that there will always be a time in a person's life that he may change his taste. I will not judge. As your personal lawyer and friend, for your safety, I want to know."

I sighed and said, "Let just said, Xiao Lan is my enemy."

"I don't believe that he is your enemy, what about those moans?"

"Moans? Where did you hear it?"

"Just a moment ago before you get off from the car. It's not just me, Chi also heard it." Jack insisted. "Are you…it?"

"It…what is It?"

"You know, after that trauma you became fond of man...what are the legal terms they use." He thought for a while. "Homosexual? There, I said it."

"No, I like girls." I looked at Jack. "What you heard on that phone call was that I was fighting with Xiao Lan. I hit him a few times, and he hit me a few times."

"Oh, I understand now. You play it both ways."

"But in the end he defeated me, so..."

Jack said, "So, you call him father. However, the role-playing is very intense. How many role-plays did you two perform in a week?"

I said, "Well, speaking of role-playing... I did most of the cleansing and Xiao Lan did all the actions. I think that's why he thinks he is qualified to lead and wants me to be at his bottom." I clenched my fists tightly.

We arrived at the law firm building and walked into the building. Xiao Lan stood beside Alicia's lawyer. According to the lawyer's request, Alicia's two sons were already there. I looked outside and Alicia was standing outside of the building. I walked back.

I asked, "Why don't you go in?"

She said, "I can't."

"Why not?"

"There is protection at the door of this law firm. Ghosts can't go in."

I stood at the door and bowed three times. I took out a small yellow paper and placed it on my hand, "May, the protector of this law firm, please open the door and let Chen Zhuzi in. I promised to take her inside and I will take her out." I looked down at the yellow paper and the word enter appeared. "I summon Chen Zhuzi's soul into this talisman." I saw Alicia's spirit slowly turned into a wisp of smoke and was sucked away by the talisman. I folded the talisman paper and put it in my pocket. I walked back to the law firm and faced Alicia's ungrateful sons.

The two bastards and their wives were standing there. Apparently, Alecia sons didn't talk to her much over the years because I can see it in their eyes. They are standing next to their wives texting. I believe they didn't even know that Alicia had passed away. Walking to Xiao Lan's side, I handed the yellow paper talisman with Alicia's soul to Xiao Lan.

Xiao Lan turned to Alicia two sons, tears in Xiao Lan's eyes. Xiao Lan stared at them for a while, then we walked into one of the meeting rooms. In the conference room, a representative from the Children's Cancer Organization was already seated.

Xiao Lan and Attorney Chu were sitting at the table, and Jack and I were sitting next to the representative from the Children's Cancer Organization.

Attorney Chu said, "Today, we are here because Mrs. Chen asked me to write her a living will for her. I am going to read her will." He read. "I, Zhen Zhuzi, decided to donate my assets to the Children's Cancer Organization. My two million dollar savings box and the beach house I currently live in will be given to my godson Wu Jig. In addition, my two house that my two sons lives in will also give my godson Wu Jig."

Alicia eldest son stood up and slammed on the table with his right hand, "You are better to an outsider than us. Remember, before you die, we won't be there to watch you pass."

Alicia said, "I know who will be there when I pass." She looked angrily at her two sons. "You two are ungrateful sons. I have worked hard to nurture you all my life to succeed. I think I have done my part as your mother. I have no sense of shame. One day when you think of me, you will regret. Both of you will feel sorry for what you have done."

Alicia second son said, "See this is why, we never want to see you. Always lecturing us. We are old enough, you don't need to teach us anymore. We know better than you." He looked coldly at Alicia. "Just a few thousand yuan, we could make it with no problem without your support."

Alicia said, "Yes, it's just a few thousand yuan. I wish you all the best."

Attorney Chu said, "Mrs. Chen, you can sign here. This means that after you pass, all your assets will be donated to Wu Jig and the Children's Cancer Organization."

Alicia picked up the pen and signed. When she put down the pen, tears wet her eyes.

Alicia's sons rushed out of the law firm and never looked at her again. Jack led me and Xiao Lan out, just in time when Chi pulled the car to the door.

Jack opened the door for us, he held to the door and looked at me strangely.


"Tell me, Jig," he smiled. "Who is Xiao Lan?"

"Why don't you give up that conversation?"

"I'm curious. I want to know who Xiao Lan is?"

"For what?" I became very annoyed.

"For the purpose that he is able to take you down. Someone who are not afraid of heaven or hell, but surrender willing to be his bottom."

"Well... what are you going to do with this information?"

Jack smiled and said, "I want to be his best friend."

Xiao Lan smiled and said, "Well." He looked at me. "You are welcome to be his friend only because he already have a best friend." Xiao Lan smiled at Jack.

I don't like him smiling like that to anyone, that kind of smile is more like flirting. I was still angry with him since this morning, and now he is like that again, smiling and flirting with both men and women.

"Get your ass in the car." I pushed Xiao Lan to the door and kicked him hard in the waist.

"Jig, what are you doing? How can you treat Mrs. Chen like this?"

"It's none of your business." I got into the car frantically and slammed the door.

"And you still refuse to admit that you are jealous of me." Xiao Lan smiled, with the most coquettish expression on his face. Xiao Lan then leaned over and kissed me on my lips. He slowly licked my lips with his tongue. He said in a very sexy voice, "You tasted delicious."

I smiled and said, "How delicious?"

"Every delicious." Xiao Lan sat on the other side of the limousine seat and watched me while eating an apple. "Next time have Chi stock more apples." He already turned back to himself.

"He is exceptionally handsome, isn't he?"

I sighed happily in daze and said, "Yes…" I turned around and saw Alicia stroking White on her lap. "Alicia? When did you arrive?"

Alicia smiled and said, "Just now." She glanced at me and then at Xiao Lan. "Thank you, for settling everything for me."

"Don't worry. Regarding the two houses your sons lives in, and the other properties you left me, I will return it to them, when the time is right."

She smiled and said, "I doubt you will." She smiled at me warmly. "You are a good son, Jig. Your mother will be proud of you." She held my right hand. "I think this is goodbye."

"Alicia, if you see my mother in heaven. Can you tell her that I live a happy life?"

"I will."

"Also, if you don't mind telling her, I sold her house because I'm blind and can't take care of it. I hope she can forgive me. Also, tell my father, I can not have children, I am ruined down there." She pulled her hand away, but I held it tightly and started to cry. "Also, tell her that I ruined her rose bushes when everyone was drunk."

"I will tell her all these."

"Tell her that I love her and miss her very much."

"I will tell her that you are blind and fall in love with a man, so you can't have children, but it's not a big deal, because you are a millionaire and you can easily hire a surrogate mother to conceive your baby." She pulled her hands away.

I cried, "Why are you rushing me? I didn't tell you everything I wanted you to share with my mother."

"Well, the bright light that everyone is talking about is about to close." She stood up and quickly kissed Xiao Lan on the cheek. "Thank you, he is totally in love with you, but he is in denial."

I protested, "No, I am not."

Alicia waved to us, and she disappeared at the end of the limousine with White.

"So," Xiao Lan said, staring at me from the opposite seat. "Who is the man you are in love with?"