The Barbershop 1.2

Have you ever woken up from a dream so bad or so beautiful that you remember every little details of the dream? It can also be the opposite, for example, when you wake up from a dream, you don't remember anything about the dream.

My mother once told me that there are many interpretations of dreams. This is my mother's interpretation of dream theory; any time you dream of blood, it indicates that you will lose money. If you dream of losing a tooth, it means that you will be embarrassed by something or someone. Dreaming of being hunted by predators such as lions or tigers indicates that you will be in trouble with the law. If you dream that you are pregnant or someone you know is pregnant, you or that someone will get sick. If you dream of throwing garbage by yourself indicates that you will lose something important to you such as your personal item. If you dream of a stranger or invite a stranger to live with you, it means that evil spirits follow you home and are currently living with you. To dream of touching someone else's poop indicates that you will get money. My mother has various theories about dreams. Since she died, I have had no one to consult on my dreams. So, here's the old saying 'You don't know how precious someone is until one day you wake up without them by your side'.

I woke up with a sore neck in the morning. I don't remember what Xiao Lan and I did last night, but I remember my dream clearly as if it happened right before my eyes. In my dreams, I'm sitting in a comfortable armchair watching a movie, but the atmosphere is like those black and white movies in those old movie theaters. I think I'm watching some kind of mysterious horror movie.

A female dispatcher replied, "911, what's your emergency?"

A fading male voice whispered, "YA sobirayus' ubit' kogo-nibud' segodnyavecherom."

Dispatcher, "Sorry sir, I don't understand you. Do you need an interpreter?" Then the line dies. "Hello, sir. Hello, sir."

The dispatch team supervisor walked up to her and asked, "What's the matter?"

The female dispatcher said, "Someone said something in a foreign language."

The dispatch team supervisor said, "Play back that recording." The female dispatcher replays the recording. After listened to the recording, the dispatch team supervisor looked at the female dispatcher. "Compared this recording with google translation language services."

I sat in the front seat enjoying my popcorn and big drink. I love this movie because there is some kind of mystery behind the scenes, but the script isn't well written, like I've already figured out who is the killer behind the mystery. I laughed at the elementary murder mystery level storyline. This movie is the kind of movie you watch when you have absolutely nothing to watch, and you just watch it to kill time. For example, you're just dragging yourself into watching these movies on weekdays until a new episode of your favorite Thai BL drama hits YouTube on Friday.

The female dispatcher quickly runs the recording and hits the play button. Google Voice Translated: 'I'm going to kill tonight'.

The dispatch team supervisor said, "Did you get the number?"

The female dispatcher said, "Yes...but."

The dispatch team supervisor asked, "But what?"

The female dispatcher hesitated but said, "This number belongs to a Wang Chao in Tongzhou, China."

Another female dispatcher frowned madly, "We are getting prank calls all the way from China."

A male dispatcher said, "I remember we got a call like this last year too. But it was a number from England and belonged to McLawson." He typed quickly on his computer and looked up at the four people. "It looks like we get calls from the same caller on a different number every year."

After the four dispatchers listened to thirty-four calls. The dispatch team supervisor said, "Call Wang Chao in Tongzhou, China."

Wang Chao picked up his phone and said, "Hello."

Dispatch team supervisor, "Hello, this is."

Wang Chao scolded the dispatch team supervisor in Chinese and hung up his phone. Then the screen goes white. I turned left and saw the same woman standing at the end of the seating aisle looking at me.

Woman said sadly, "Làm ơn hãy giúp anh ấy."

I stood up and looked at her, "Help whom? Who do you want me to help?"

The woman repeated herself, "Làm ơn hãy giúp anh ấy."

I became frustrated and shouted frantically, "Who do you want me to help? I don't understand who you want me to help, how can I help you?" I kept shouting until Xiao Lan woke me up.

Xiao Lan kissed me on the forehead and asked, "Why are you shouting in your sleep?"

I yawned and said, "I dreamed of a man named Wang Chao in Tongzhou, and I also dreamed of a young woman."

Xiao Lan said, "The woman you saw?"

I replied, "Yes, but she kept saying something in Cantonese. Asking me to help others. I was frustrated because every time I dreamed or saw her, she begged me to help him. Funny, I don't speak Cantonese, but I understand her."

Xiao Lan pulled the blanket aside and sat at the edge of the bed. He said, "When their intentions are clear, you won't need to speak the same languages as them." Immediately after, Xiao Lan's cell phone rang, but he did not answer it.

After the phone rang twenty times, I was pissed. I said angrily, "Take that foxy Yaya's call." I pulled the blanket aside and stood by the bed. "So annoying." I began to walk to the door.

Xiao Lan asked, "Where are you going?"

I said, "I want to continue sleeping in your room." I turned and watched Xiao Lan lay back down on my bed freely as if my bed belonged to him. I went into the bathroom and found two toothbrushes. I picked up the toothbrush and started brushing my teeth. "Xiao Lan, why don't you sleep in your room?"

Xiao Lan, "I don't want too."

I spit the paste down the sink and rinsed my mouth. I walked into the bedroom and said, "The whole point of buying a two-bedroom apartment is that you sleep in your own room. What's the point of having two bedrooms if you don't sleep your room?"

Xiao Lan shamelessly said, "I don't know, I have never asked you for a two-bedroom apartment."

I sneered at him, "You seem to be moving in without my invitation."

Xiao Lan said, "The invitation is clear when you said yes."

I rushed to the bed with my fist, but Xiao Lan grabbed my angry fist as usual. Then his other hand grabbed my left hand tightly. Xiao Lan leaned over and kissed my bare chest. He licked my right nipple slowly and gave it some stimulation to get me excited on purpose, and he said, "Okay, I won't sleep with you anymore until you crawl on your knees and beg me." He pushed me aside, grabbed his cell phone, walked into the bathroom, and locked the door.

I knew he was calling foxy Yaya in private, so I got up and started knocking on the door. I shouted, "I know you're secretly calling that foxy Yaya inside there, tell me now, don't let me find out." The longer he refused to open the door, the angrier I got. "Open the door! You bastard!" I continued to tap. Then I heard Xiao Lan say that I suck in English. "You bastard! I understand English...Ah..." I karate kicked the door open.

Xiao Lan spat out the water in his mouth and wiped his mouth. Xiao Lan glanced at me and said with a smile, "What are you doing? Open the door if you want to come in without kicking the door." He approached and spoke in his perfect British accent. "Did you hear? The door was unlocked."

This is one of those moments when I really need my bright brain to come up with a great excuse. I hesitated for a while, and then my clever brain came up with, "I was testing to see how strong this door is." From Xiao Lan's expression, I knew he wouldn't buy it. This may be one of the lamest excuses ever made.

Xiao Lan smirked, "Really?"