The Barbershop 1.5

When I saw the sparks in foxy Yaya's eyes, I knew immediately that the evil spirit in the painting had taken over Yaya's fragile body. Looking at the sissy body of foxy Yaya, I don't fell threaten at all. I mean, what can a fragile girly boy do to a strong handsome man like me. I knew all I had to do was punch foxy Yaya twice and that should knock him out completely.

I quickly closed the door behind me because I didn't want Xiao Lan to see his delicate Yaya destroyed by my manly punch. I raised my strong Hercules arm and slapped foxy Yaya in the face with the heaviest punch I've ever punched, but to my surprise, the savage Yaya grabbed my powerful fist with his fragile maiden left hand.

Foxy Yaya smirked at me, "Weak…" He mocked.

I grinned angrily, "Weak...?" I kicked the cunning Yaya's family jewels with three kicks. I mean he doesn't need it because he's a zero. The three kicks should have caused a lot of pain, and foxy Yaya should have surrendered by covering his crotch, but no... he still giggled at me with a smile on his face. "What the hack?"

Foxy Yaya asked, "What the hack what?"

I asked, "Why are you still standing with me and kicking your family jewel?"

Foxy Yaya smiled and said, "Yoga."

I asked suspiciously, "Yoga?"

Foxy Yaya said with a smile, "'s my turn."

Foxy Yaya threw his right fist to my chest and punched me hard, then he kicked me hard, you know where... He slammed me on the bedroom door twice, and suddenly appeared with his right hand was the switch blade heading towards my throat. Thanks to my quick-fix abilities, I bent over, and foxy Yaya's sharp blade slashed the bedroom door. Then, foxy Yaya jumped up, kicked me in the chest, and his kicked send me and the door crashing down to the bedroom floor.

Xiao Lan quickly pulled up his boxer and jumped off the bed to face foxy Yaya. Xiao Lan shouted, "Jig, burn the painting."

I slowly got up and watched the fierce battle between Xiao Lan and his ex-lover. Seeing that Xiao Lan had the upper hand, I was not in a hurry to burn the painting. I asked, "Xiao Lan, are you sure you want me to burn that painting?"

Xiao Lan grunted as was trying to push foxy Yaya to the floor, "Yes...burn it."

I said, "But Su Ling said this painting is priceless, if we burn this priceless treasure, will there be trouble?"

Xiao Lan said, "Well, at this moment, you are more precious than that painting." Xiao Lan sat on foxy Yaya's back, and Xiao Lan's hands pressed foxy Yaya's hands to the floor. "Hurry."

I bent down, no matter how I looked at Xiao Lan, he was extremely handsome at the moment. His muscular body soaked in sweat. His strong masculinity emanated from his body. That masculinity could only be smelled when heated moment occurred on the bed. When your body was pressed down, you could feel the wet stickiness on his handsome skin. Thick sweat slowly caressed you in various different directions.

After tossing and turning in bed, you watch your partner get off the bed and gently wipe his sweat with his shirt. He grabbed the deodorant spray by the bed and sprayed it on his handsome body, and you could see the small particles floating in the air as his halo emitting in the room. You get up from the bed half naked and kiss his neck.

You look deeply into the camera's eyes, and you say, "Get the fucking painting." I blink a few times. "Huh, why would I say that in a deodorant commercial?"

Xiao Lan shouted in the hall outside the room, "Get the fucking painting."

Looking down again on the floor, Xiao Lan and foxy Yaya was gone. I limped to the door and saw them fighting in the hallway. Xiao Lan has been stabbed twice. I panicked and shouted, "Xiao Lan, where are the paintings?" Xiao Lan snorted, trying hard not to let foxy Yaya stab him again. I was a little angry because Xiao Lan just wanted to stop foxy Yaya but didn't fight back. "Why the hell have you not punch him or break his arm?"

Xiao Lan shouted, "Just burn the painting."

I rushed into the kitchen and started looking for a lighter and salt. I didn't see the lighter, and then a cold hand touched my left shoulder. I clutched the salt tightly in my right hand, turned quickly, and threw it at the person behind me. I yelled, "Die...die...die..." I don't know how much salt I threw, but it seemed to work. The salt pressed the dark entity to the floor. The dark entity could do nothing but bend down slowly, crying and begging for mercy. I smiled and continued to sprinkle salt. "Go to hell...that's what you get when you try to annoy someone who can see you."

The dark entity pleaded with tears, "It's me..."

Holding a handful of salt in my right hand, I said, "Who are you?" I quickly turned on the light and saw foxy Yaya's old butler laying on the ground, his eyes swollen as big as a bun. "Oh...It's you..."

The old butler cried bitterly, "It's me...the butler who took you to the room. The butler who opens the door to welcome you this afternoon."

I helped him up and said, "It's all your fault, why did you touch me from behind?"

The old butler said, "I thought you were a thief."

I sighed and felt guilty for what I did, but he couldn't blame me for it. I'm in the mist of fighting the evil foxy Yaya. If you are in my position, you would have done the same thing. I said, "I'm sorry...I thought you were as crazy as your master." We walked to the sink, and I turned the water for him. "Wash your eyes. Oh...where's the lighter."

The old butler said, "There should be a barbecue lighter in the first drawer to the left of the range."

I opened the drawer and saw a BBQ lighter and a bottle of lighter fluid. I picked up the lighter and the bottle of lighter liquid. I walked back to the sink and picked up the salt bottle. I looked at the butler and said, "Don't go anywhere, or you will mistake again for something else." The old butler nodded. "When everything settles, I will come for you."

I walked quickly to the other side of the house, which should be full of paintings. Instead of the paintings, I saw twenty boxes on the ground, some stacked on top of them. The boxes are not marked by name, but by numeral numbers.

"You seem lost?"

I frowned, "Yeah, I can't read numeral numbers, and I don't understand it. It will take a lifetime to find that stupid painting." I looked aside and saw an old man standing beside me holding a cane in his left hand.

The old man said, "The painting you are looking for is in box X.I.V."

I looked at the man and couldn't help, but giggled, "HIV..."

The older man hit me on the head with his cane, but I quickly dodged his cane. He said slowly, one letter at a time, "X.I.V."

I looked at the angry little man and said, "Thank you, Grandpa."

I grabbed the XIV box and put it on the floor. It was a locked box. I frowned, "How can I open this without the passcode?"

The old man said, "2477."

I looked at the old man, "Why 2477?"

The old man smiled and said, "My great-grandson's birthday is on July 24th at seven o'clock in the evening."

I quickly entered the number and the lid of the box opened. I smiled happily and said, "Grandpa, it'" I looked around and saw no one. The cold air ran down my back, and the hair on my neck stood up. "Jig...concentrate...your husband still needs your help." Heh...husband? "No... no... Forget that line, Jig concentrate, if your nemesis dies, your eyesight won't be restored." I nodded to myself. "That's right. It's better."

I opened the lid and looked at the painting. Once again, I saw tears welling up in the eyes of the father in the painting. The young man standing behind his father's mouth curved, his eyes fixed on me. I know I've seen those eyes before. I saw the exact same eyes of the young man who wanted to kill me in the art gallery, and tonight, foxy Yaya looked at me the same way.

I took the painting out of the box and placed it in the middle of the room, making sure if I light it on fire it wouldn't spread to other items with price tags. I sprinkled salt on the painting. Squeezed a good amount of lighter fluid on this worthless painting. I lite it up with happiness. I smirked, "Sayonara. your worthless thing."

I watched the painting engulfed in flames. Exactly ten minutes later, the painting had been reduced to ashes. As I walked to the door, I heard a falling sound, like a piece of wood falling to the ground. I thought one of the boxes fell off. I looked back and saw that the barbershop painting was still intact, as if it had not been moved. I repeated this process twice, but it burned to ashes and then resurrect both times.

I walked up to it and muttered to myself, "What..." I heard a loud crash coming from the other side of the house. "Xiao Lan..." I held the barbershop's painting in my left hand. I grabbed the bottle of salt and lighter fluid in my right hand. I rushed towards Xiao Lan. "Xiao Lan! I'm coming!"