Chapter 4 *The Top Hero*

(Two guys are driving in a car while three cop cars are on their tail. They're speeding around, with bags full of money in the back.)

Crook #1: "Danno, we did it. 5000000 Yen. We're rich."

Danno: "Yea Gin, we got this. Nothings gonna stop us."

(A portal opens up ahead of them. Danno looks and sees the portal. He slams the breaks and stops right in front of it. Danno looks to Gin, and Gin looks to Danno. Another portal opens up right under them and they fall through it. They then appear on top of a very tall skyscraper, barely balancing on the top of it. A man with shaggy black hair and purple eyes appears on top of the car. He's wearing a purple T-shirt, and jeans.)

???: "Hey fellas."

(The two look up at the voice.)

Danno: "Crap, it's the hero, Portaru."

Kazu: "Oh come on, please. Call me Kazu. We're in a private place right now, but I heard you two were causing trouble today. Now how about you two say 'you're sorry' and we can forget this whole thing. Oops...I mean you two can forget the whole when you're in jail, and they ask you why you are there, you won't come up with some stupid story like this one."

Gin: "Shut up hero. We'll go down in history for this."

Kazu: "You'll go down alright, but in history hmmm. Maybe you'll be the hardest mess to clean off the sidewalk, but I can't think of anything else."

Danno: "We're not giving up the money, hero."

Kazu: "Alright if you insist."

(Kazu then slowly leans forward, which makes the car slowly lean forward.)

Danno: "Ok, ok, ok. We'll give up the money, just please get us down."

Kazu: "Good. I never really understood stealing money from a bank. I mean wouldn't someone know it was you when you randomly get a bunch of money... Anyway see guys down there."

(Kazu then jumps up and lands on the hood of the car, making the car immediately fall forward. The car starts falling forward, both Danno and Gin scream, but then a portal appears in front of them and they land into a parking lot at a police station. Kazu then comes walking out of the police station talking to a cop.)

Kazu: "Then I said, 'You'll go down in history, for the hardest mess to clean up.'"

(Kazu and the cop start laughing.)

Kazu: "Oh looks like they're here."

(Cops start coming up to the car to grab the two.)

Kazu: "Be gentle with them boys, they're fragile."

(The cops take the two to jail and take all the money.)

Cop: "We'll make sure this is in the books."

Kazu: "You always do."

(Reo, Sara, and Selene walk around the city looking for crime.)

Sara: "I thought this place usually has crime everywhere, what's going on?"

Reo: "I just would tell you that, so you wouldn't come down here...clearly it didn't work."

Sara: "Well that just makes me wanna come here more to make sure you're alright."

Reo: "Good to know. I'll remember that next time."

Selene: "I mean there's usually at least some kid stealing some change. What's going on."

???: "Maybe that's because of me."

(They all turn around and see a man with black hair and purple eyes. He's wearing a purple shirt and jeans.)

Kazu: "Hey, I'm Kazu. I'm from a few cities over."

Selene: "Wait, I know you. You're the top hero. Portaru. You're so awesome. You have the ability to make a portal to anywhere you've seen. That's so awesome!!"

Kazu: "Well I was born with a sucky power. I just made it good with my fighting style."

Reo: "Top hero? How much does that make you?"

Kazu: "Eh like around 6000000 Yen a week."

(Reo stared at him for a second.)

Kazu: "Yea I know. It's that much. I made way more in my early days, but more me equals less crime."

Reo: "Listen, I don't know what the hell you're trying to do, but I don't like it. This city is for me and me only."

Selene: "Uh, what about us."

Reo: "Shut up damn it."

Kazu: "I see. You're the mean one of the group."

Reo: "Oh, you really like to piss me off don't you."

Kazu: "Well, I mean I don't hate it."

Reo: "I'm gonna kill you."

Sara: "Come on, Reo. Let's go."

Reo: "Ok yeah, we have better things to do like looking for crime."

Sara: "Or maybe we can go chill out a bit."

Reo: "We need money. We can chill when we get money."

Selene: "Let's just go to the beach. The beach is free."

Reo: "Fine, but you two better be working extra hard when we find crime."

Sara: "Ok."

Selene: "Bye Portaru. Nice to meet you."

Kazu: "Nice to meet you too. Hope we cross paths another time."

(Kazu winks)

Reo: "I don't."

(They all show up at the beach. The walk around, looking at the ocean.)

Selene: "Isn't this nice."

Reo: "No."

Sara: "Come on, big bro. What's wrong?"

Reo: "I'm poor."

Sara: "That's not nothing to be sad about. Come on."

Reo: "Yes it is. Millions are sad because of that same reason."

Selene: "Come on, Reo. Stop worrying about the bad things."

Reo: "Shut up, Selene. I was doing fine until you showed up."

Selene: "Is that you're way of telling me to leave."

Reo: "I think I've said that multiple ways, but if that's the one that works, then yes."

Selene: "Well I'm not."

Reo: "Damn it."

Sara: "Come on, big bro. Let's enjoy the beach. Look at the ocean, isn't it beautiful."

Reo: "No. Can we go now, we need to earn money."

Selene: "Come on, Reo."

Reo: "Listen you two...go have fun, but I..."

(Reo then hears a scream. He looks over and sees people running away from a man.)

???: "I am Crab man. Fear me you stupid humans. I have the ability to control crabs, so they'll; do every evil thing I tell them."

Selene: "Who's that loser."

Reo: "Some wanna be villains. Easy money. I guess the trip to the beach wasn't so bad."

(A portal opens up under crab man making him fall through it. Kazu then walks onto the beach.)

Kazu: "Don't worry everyone. I sent Crab man to prison where he belongs."

Random citizen: "Thank you, Portaru."

Kazu: "No problem. Just doing what a hero was made to do."

(Reo stands in the background, staring at Kazu.)

Reo: "I want to kill him soooo bad!"

Sara: "Reo, chill out."

Reo: "Shut up, Sara...I know what I'm doing."

(Reo then walks over to Kazu.)

Reo: "Hey Kazu."

Kazu: "Oh Reo. Enjoying the beach I see."

Reo: "I'm not enjoying anything. Especially with you here, damn it!"

Kazu: "Sorry to hear that, buddy."

Reo: "I'm not your buddy. Now let's settle this. Right here."

Kazu: "Oh wait. Reo do you wanna fight me?"

Reo: "Yeah, I kinda do."

Kazu: "Ok then. Well, I guess let's fight. Uh people I advise everyone to please back away. This will get ugly for 10 seconds, but then it will be over, and I'll be the champion."

Reo: "That's it you bastard!!!"

(Reo then charges with his fist and punches, but Kazu makes a little portal right where he punched, and made the fist come right back at Reo and hit him. Reo goes flying and lands a little farther away.)

Reo: "Oh you think you're funny, huh?"

Kazu: "Kinda."

Reo: "Shut up damn it!!"

(Reo stands up and throws an electric charged ball at Kazu. The ball was going straight at him, but Kazu just opened a portal, and the ball went straight in it. Then he opened another portal and the ball came out, going straight at Reo. Reo jumped up in the air as the ball landed right where he was standing causing a huge electric explosion.)

Reo: "Reflect this."

(Reo then started shooting little electric thunderbolts at Kazu.)

Kazu: "Ok."

(Kazu then opened another portal consuming all the thunderbolts. As Reo was done throwing them, Kazu opened a portal, letting all the thunderbolts come back at him; Reo dodge them all.)

Kazu: "Let's just finish this."

(Kazu then punched through a portal and his hand came through another portal that hit Reo.)

Reo: "What the hell. How did you?"

Kazu: "I put my fist through a portal, then made another portal that was next to you. Then I proceeded to punch you. Understand?"

Reo: "Don't treat me like some idiot!!"

(Reo started to charge at Kazu, but Kazu did the same thing, making Reo fall. Kazu then started rapidly punching through portals hitting Reo everytime, bouncing him all over the a bouncy ball)

Kazu: "Time to end this."

(Kazu then did one final punch hitting Reo right in the back, making him fall to the ground on his hands and knees. Reo was panting, he was bleeding again from his wound from yesterday. He was also bleeding from his nose, and a little from his mouth. Kazu Walked over to him and crouched down next to him.)

Kazu: "Are you done yet?"

(Reo then punched Kazu right in the face with a charged fist sending him flying and landing hard on the sand.)

Reo: "Never."

(Kazu got up slowly. He started to bleed from the nose, he looked like he was in a daze.)

Reo: "Are you done yet."

Kazu: "W-what was that?"

Reo: "That was a real power. Not your garage portal power."

Kazu: "T-that..was amazing! I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot. To be honest I thought you just had some garbage electric power, but your power is amazing."

Reo: "Thanks, I guess."

Kazu: "You're welcome. Look I'll slow down on stopping crime, or whatever you want me too, but I 'd love to work alongside you."

Reo: "Uhh, I'll think about it."

Kazu: "Ok, well if you ever need me, just call."

(Kazu then hands him a piece of paper with his number on it.)

Kazu: "If you ever need me just call."

(Kazu then opens a portal, and heads through it. He waves goodbye, then the portal closes.)

Reo: "Like I'd ever wanna work with that dirtbag."

(He crumples up the paper and tosses it over his shoulder.)

Reo: "Let's go look for crime."

(Reo then starts to walk off and Sara follows, but Selene goes down and picks up the piece of paper. She stuffs it in her pocket and follows the others.)

Selene: "Wait up guys. Is anyone going to say how weird that situation just was???"

Reo: "No."

(A man is shown slamming his head on a side of a building in an alleyway. It's Kaen.)

Kaen: "Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. AHHHHHH!"

(He then opens his eyes, which were totally black)