Chapter 11 *The After Party*

(They all stood there looking at the area those two just were.)

Kazu: "Wh-what's his core?"

Reo: "He said shadow controlling."

Dai: "I read that, that's a rare, and lame core."

Reo: "Not if you have a shadow demon."

Taku: "Thoses are real?"

Selene: "It would appear so."

Yui: "So, what now."

Sara: "I'm starving."

Reo: "I could eat."

Kazu: "Not gonna lie, I am really hungry."

Taku: "I'm hungry for GIRLS."

Dai: "Damn it, Taku not now."

Taku: "What, just saying."

Yui: "Yeah, you just saying it is the reason you don't get girls."

Taku: "What, the blue hair chick said she wanted to see me show off."

Sara: "I like to see people at their best."

Reo: "Stay away from my sister you perverted bastard."

Taku: "Ok, ok, what about you cutie?"

(Taku tapped on Ruri's shoulder.)

Ruri: "Ummmmm."

Selene: "Stay away from my sister you perverted bastard."

Kazu: "Wow, Reo really does rub off on people."

Reo: "Shut up damn it."

(A man walked up to the group. He was kinda chubby with tannish skin. He was wearing a tanktop and jeans, with flip flops. It was Reo's landlord.)

Landlord: "Reo, what the hell is this?"

Reo: "Listen, I was fighting some villain, don't worry."

Landlord: "You destroyed the road to my building. You destroyed other buildings too. Who would want to stay somewhere with destroyed buildings all around, huh?"

Reo: "Listen-"

Landlord: "No I listened long enough. You're out. Pack your stuff and go."

Reo: "But-"

(Reo couldn't speak to him, because the landlord just walked away.)

Reo: "Damn it."

Kazu: "Sooooo, need a place to stay."

Dai: "It is wonderful, big enough for twenty people."

Reo: "Who the hell are you?"

Kazu: "Soooo."

Reo: "Ugh, let me pack."

(After Reo, Selene, and Sara packed their things they headed to Kazu's mansion.)

Reo: "Ugh, I hated him before I knew he was a rich snob."

Selene: "Just cause he's rich doesn't mean he's a snob."

Sara: "He was nice enough to let us stay here."

Reo: "Or this is his way of rubbing it in that I don't have a home."

Selene: "Kazu isn't that kind of guy."

(Selene knocks on the door after saying that.)

Reo: "This sucks, I lost my home, a villain, and my dignity."

(Kazu answers the door.)

Kazu: "Oh hey guys. Harry, can you take these guy's bags."

(An old man in a tuxedo walks up behind him.)

Harry: "Right away, sir."

(Harry grabs the bags and walks away.)

Kazu: "That's Harry. He's from America. I hired him a while back. He stuck with me ever since,

very loyal."

(Kazu waved his hand to signal them in.)

Kazu: "Come on in, make yourselves at home."

Sara: "Thank you."

Reo: "Whatever."

(They all walk in and look around. It was huge. It had a staircase on each side of the room going upstairs. In between was the kitchen, which was also huge.)

Kazu: "Well, let me show you around. We have a kitchen, a training room, bedrooms, the basement, the lab, the surveillance room, and many others, but you'll find those on your own."

Reo: "We didn't go anywhere, you just named off rooms."

Kazu: "Well then, look around and guess which room is which, but first Harry will you take them to their rooms."

Harry: " Right away sir."

(Harry grabbed all their bags and went upstairs. They didn't bring a lot of stuff, but it was weird seeing an old man carry all that. They got to their rooms. It was a long hallway with ten doors on each side.)

(Harry brought them to each of their rooms. They got their own, so Reo was thrilled.)

Sara: "This is gonna be awesome. We're all gonna wake up together, step out of our rooms and greet each other."

Reo: "No, I'm gonna sleep in while you guys all do what you want. As long as it doesn't include me."

Kazu: "I got some bad news then Reo."

(Kazu walked up behind him.)

Reo: "What do you want, you teleporting bastard."

Kazu: "See I don't mind you calling me names and stuff, but if you wanna live in this house you're gonna have to live on the schedule."

Reo: "Huh?"

Kazu: "Waking up at 8:00am, people taking turns for the night shifts, and most of all, lots and lots of training."

Reo: "You gotta be kidding me."

Kazu: "No I am not. Well you're free to leave."

(Reo looked back at his new room, and looked at everyone else. He looked back at Kazu.)

Reo: "Fine damn it."

Kazu: "Great. It's your guy's first night so I'll give the night shift to Dai and Taku."

(Dai and Taku walked out of their rooms as this was said.)

Taku: "Again, we get the night shift every night."

Dai: "We were the only other ones here so it does make sense."

Ruri: "I'll go."

(They all turned to Ruri.)

Selene: "Ruri, why are you here."

Ruri: "Kazu was offering. He said if I help at all I can stay. It doesn't even have to be fighting."

Reo: "You know the night shift is fighting."

Ruri: "Well, then whoever is with me I'll help them with my wind."

Taku: "I changed my mind. I'll take the night shift."

Yui: "No, I will."

(Yui picked up Taku and moved him out of the way.)

Reo: "You're here?"

Yui: "Yeah, not c-cause you're here, I just came because it's a great opportunity to work with the number one hero."

Reo: "Whatever, Ima get some shut eyes."

(Reo started to walk to his door, but Kazu stopped him.)

Kazu: "I know it's late, but we need to learn everyone's first and last name and core first."

Reo: "Does it really matter. You know what to call me and the just of my core. That's all you need to know."

Kazu: "I'd rather know as much as I can. I need to know everything so I know what to help you with."

Sara: "Ok, let's do it."

Reo: "Ugh, make this quick, I'm tired."

(They all sat in a room with bookshelves and couches.)

Kazu: "This is the living room."

Reo: "This a sucky living room, where's the TV."

Kazu: "In the TV room."

Reo: "Ok, I'll meet you all there."

(Reo started to get up.)

Kazu: "Sit."

(Reo sat back down.)

Reo: "Ugh."

Kazu: "Ok, I'll start. My name is Kazu Ito, my hero name is Portaru. I have the ability to make a portal to anywhere I've seen before. The farther I go the more it drains me. If I am too drained or injured my portals could be small or not go far, and even put me into extreme amounts of pain while they're open. I've trained myself to handle this pain. Oh, one more thing, the speed you go through the portal it's the speed you come out. I've used that to make my punches hurt"

(Kazu looked at Selene.)

Kazu: "Selene, how about you?"

Selene: "Ok, um, I'm Mizuki Sora, call me Selene. I have what is called a double powered core. I have wind and lighting. I've tried to practice with both, but it's a little more complicated that way. I'm better with my wind than my lighting."

Kazu: "Ok, Reo, how about you?"

Reo: "Pass."

Kazu: "You can't pass."

Reo: "Ugh, fine. I'm Reo."

Kazu: "Full name."

Reo: "Ugh, Reo Ishizaki. I have electricity, that is all."

Kazu: "That was short. Let's hear more about your power."

Reo: "I'd rather show you."

(Reo made his arm get covered in electricity as he said that.)

Sara: "Ok ok, I'll go. I'm Sara Ishizaki, Reo's sister. Hero name, Rei and I have Ice. I can shoot icicles out of my hands, or just freeze someone. I can also cover my body into ice making me ice armor."

Kazu: "Nice, Ruri."

Ruri: "I'm Ruri Sora, I have just wind. I'm very good with wind, I can carry up to five-hundred pounds with my wind."

Reo: "No wonder you became a rescuer. What villain would be afraid of a light breeze?"

Ruri: "I bet you will, when I throw you through the window."

Reo: "I wanna see you try."

Kazu: "Calm down, both of you. Save it for tomorrow."

Reo: "Fine."

Ruri: "Ok."

Kazu: "Yui, how about you?"

Yui: "I'm Yui Kanno, hero name, Kyoko. My core is just super strength. Nothing special."

Kazu: "Oh ok, Dai, Taku. You two wanna go?"

Taku: "I'm Taku Fujisaki, hero name, Purazuma. I have the ability to produce, and control plasma."

Dai: "Not so good on the controlling yet."

Taku: "Shut up, Dai. I'm trying to get the ladies."

Dai: "Anyway, I'm Dai Fujisaki, Taku's brother. My hero name is Doriru. I can produce drills out of my body. If I want them to go far I can make pipes of metal connect to those drills and they will be controlled fully."

Kazu: "Ok, I think that is all. We know everything we need to know, and Ruri, Yui. You two can go

to bed. I'll take night patrol."

Yui: "I'm more than happy to do it."

Ruri: "Yeah, I can do it."

Kazu: "Don't worry, I got plans for everyone. Goodnight."

(A portal opened up, Kazu jumped in and it disappeared.)

Reo: "Plans?"

(A portal opened up at night on top of a roof. Kage and The Destroyer walked out.)

Kage: "All is going to plan, Destroyer. We just need one thing."

(Kage looked back at The Destroyer.)

Kage: "Find Kaen."