Chapter 13 *The Time For Good and Bad*

(It's night, Reo and Selene got the night shift. Though Kazu was impressed with Reo's power, this was kind of a punishment for knocking out an ally. Selene was here for getting knocked out too easily.)

Selene: "Reo, why did you knock me out again."

Reo: "It was training. I just showed my power."

Selene: "See, I kinda understand that, but did you have to leave me there afterwards? I was there for like two hours."

Reo: "You're a heavy sleeper."

Selene: "Did you even try?"

Reo: "Nope."

(Reo started to walk ahead and Selene followed right behind.)

Reo: "Stupid Kazu. No one's even out right now, even villains need to sleep."

Selene: "Come on, Reo. Kazu is letting us live in his mansion. We should at least do some work for him."

Reo: "Whatever, I just wanna go home and sleep. I'm tired as hell."

Selene: "Well it doesn't look like there's gonna be much hero work to do tonight, so you don't have to do much."

(Reo and Selene kept walking in silence.)

Selene: "Uh, hey Reo?"

Reo: "What?"

Selene: "Do you think Kage is gonna be a problem in any way."

(Reo looked and Selene, then turned back forward and continued walking.)

Reo: "What made you say that?"

Selene: "Well, I was just thinking about how strong you, but Kage kinda defeated you without a sweat."

(Reo stopped and turned facing Selene completely.)

Reo: "Are you calling me weak?"

Selene: "No, I just called you strong, but if you're strong and Kage defeated you so easily. What does that make Kage?"

(Reo looked at Selene for a minute, then looked up at the sky and thought about it.)

Reo: "That makes Kage a man I wanna kill."

(Reo turned back around and started walking.)

Selene: "Wait, kill?! Reo, heros dont kill!"

Reo: "I don't care."

Selene: "Reo, you're not killing anyone!"

Reo: "Shut up!"

Selene: "Reo!"

(It became morning, and everyone started getting up for the day at the mansion, but Reo and Selene just got there.)

Kazu: "Oh, Reo and Selene. How was the night shift?"

Reo: "Terrible. Now leave me alone or die."

(Reo walked upstairs to his room.)

Kazu: "Ok. Selene, how was the night shift."

Selene: "It was great. No villains, criminals, or bad guys. A perfect night."

Kazu: "Perfect, now you should get some rest."

Selene: "Thank you."

(Selene ran upstairs to her room. Kazu turned to everyone who was enjoying their breakfast.)

Kazu: "Ok everyone, finish your food then it's off to training."

Taku: "Damn it!"

(It started to get late. The sun was setting, and the team finally finished training. Just when Reo and Selene woke up.)

Kazu: "Have a nice rest you two."

Reo: "It was great, now I can start my day."

(Reo started to walk over to the food, but Kazu stepped into his way.)

Reo: "What, I'm trying to eat."

Kazu: "You can eat, but when you're done. I need you two to go back out for the night shift."

Reo: "Again!?"

Selene: "Wait, why?"

Kazu: "Yea, sorry, but everyone is super worn out from training, and you two are the only ones who are well rested. Don't worry, I won't make you do it again tomorrow."

Reo: "I wanna beat you to death."

Kazu: "Sure, right after you finish the night shift."

Reo: "Ugh."

(Reo walked over to the food and started eating.)

Kazu: "Anyway, I'm gonna head to bed. Have fun tonight guys. Bye."

(Kazu headed upstairs to his room.)

Selene: "Bye."

Reo: "I hate this place."

Selene: "Reo, I'm sorry, but it's the best we got."

Reo: "Yeah, whatever."

(The sun went down and the moon came up, so Reo and Selene had to walk around the city at night again.)

Kage: "Are you done yet?"

Hugo: "Gimme a minute. I'm not as young as I used to be. When I was you-"

Kage: "I asked you to hurry up, not for your back story."

Hugo: "Oh."

(Kage and Hugo were in an old abandoned warehouse a little bit out of the city. Hugo was messing with old lab equipment with Kaen/Demon in it.)

Kage: "Is this gonna work, old man?"

Hugo: "If you're gonna keep being mean, I'm not gonna help you."

Kage: "If you're not gonna help me, I'm gonna kill you."

(The shadow demon slowly came up from the ground.)

Hugo: "Uh, I'm almost done hehe."

(Hugo flipped a few switches and pushed a few buttons, then electricity started to spark up all the lab equipment.)

Hugo: "I-it's working."

Kage: "Good."

(The sparks and electricity flew all around and suddenly stopped.)

Kage: "What happened?"

Hugo: "I-i don't know. This should-"

(Flames flew out where Demon was laying. Demon slowly stood up. Hugo was frozen with fear.)

Kage: "Demon was it?"

(Demon starred at Kage with anger.)

Kage: "See, you were being held back by a little wimp named Kaen. From what I can tell, you are one to like to spread mayhem, am I correct?"

Demon: "What do you want?"

Kage: "See, me and this old guy just helped you. We have made your core, the dominant one. So you don't have to worry about Kaen ever showing up again."

(Demon looked around the warehouse.)

Kage: "See, because I helped you, why don't you help me?"

Demon: "Why don't I just kill you and leave?"

Kage: "Well, because I can kill you in merely a second. I will make a little friend of mine come from the ground and cut you in half. With a power like yours, you couldn't keep up with the speed of a shadow demon. So if you stick with me, you live."

(Demon starred at Kage a little longer.)

Kage: "So, you gonna choose."

Demon: "How much mayhem we talking?"

Kage: "Enough to burn all these prideful bastards to the ground."

Demon: "I'm in."

Kage: "Perfect, now we wait on Destroyer to bring in some new recruits."

Hugo: "Are you sure it's a good idea to bring strangers to the base? Like, what if they're heroes or something in disguise."

(Kage looked at Hugo.)

Kage: "Then we'll kill them, slowly."

(Just then, The Destroyer walked in with two people. One had yellow and black spiky hair and yellow eyes. He had on a yellow long sleeved shirt, with jeans and yellow tennis shoes. He was also carrying a bazooka on his back. The other one was a girl, looked to be eighteen at the most. She had purple hair with pigtails and purple eyes. She was wearing a long baggy purple shirt that covered her hands, and had on jeans, with purple tennis shoes.)

Kage: "Wow, you guys sure like to show off your favorite color. What's your name?"

Zazz: "Zzzzzzaaaaaazzzzzz, hehehehehe."

(He said that while twitching a lot.)

Kage: "Ok, so you're the crazy one. How about you little girl?"

Cho: "I'm Cho *giggles*."

Kage: "Ok, so a kid and a psycho. Good job Destroyer."

Zazz: "H-his names D-d-d-destroyer, niiiccceeee. He wasn't a big t-t-talker when he picked us up. Hehehe."

Kage: "And what's up with you? You got a stutter or something?"

Zazz: "When I u-u-use my c-c-c-core toooo much, it makesss me a l-l-l-little coo-coooo. Hehehe."

Kage: "When you use your core?"

Zazz: "L-let's just s-say I-i had a l-l-l-little fun before yourrrr friend i-i-interrupted hehhehe."

Kage: "Perfect."

Cho: "So why are we here exactly? I was just kinda brought here and your friend wouldn't bleed when I cut him."

Kage: "See, you two are here to help destroy all the people who think they are gods because they were blessed with a great core."

Zazz: "Ssssssssoooooooo w-w-who exactly?"

Kage: "Right now, we are gonna start with a little bastard I met a little while ago. Reo."