Two years have passed after his battle with the boar, he constantly battled every magic beast he could. Taking advantage of his fast recovery he pushed him self to the limit both physically and magically.
After all this the battles, he was finally able to use KI. Thanks to KI his battles has became easier. Half a year ago he was able to fight C ranked and B ranked to some extent.
During that time he did the craziest thing any one has thought of. He went for half a year blind folded so that he could master his KI.
After doing for four months he was able increase his proficiency with it he could easily move around the forest without hitting anything.
During that time he also learnt MANA SKIN.
"haa is good to see the sun light again" Yami said he looked at the sky.
His six months of KI training was finally over. Yami stood in front of the holding the blind fold he just removed.
He was now 17 years old. He stood at 5 ft.7. He was currently wearing he wears a long, black, high-collared and tattered cloak with shoulder plates; around his waist is a simple belt. Yami also wear loose-fitting dark pants.
He was strong enough to moved unmatched in the forest. The only one he hasn't fought is the wyvern. It always comes out every month to hunt.
"Guess it is almost time to say goodbye to this place" Yami said as he looks at his cave that he lived in for two years. It was decorated with the furs go the beast that he has been hunting.
Sighing, he packed up the things that he needs as he enters deeper inside the forest
"It time to settle it once and for all" Yami said as he moved.
During the two years he has already found the lair of the wyvern. Fortunately it was on the part of the exit to the forest.
Moving through the forest, he met with a lot of beast but they are easily dealt with. After three days of walking he finally reached the wyvern's lair.
'So this will be my final battle huh!!?' Yami said as looked at the lair with Guess I should hurry up and finish with it.
With a bright and heroic passion Yami enters the lair with full confidence.
A few minutes later Yami comes out of the cave with his clothes torn into pieces.
"That dumb flying lizard don't let me get my hands on you" Yami said clenching his fist " that lizard is too smart for my liking. I had it when we started, but to think it will escape as soon as it was at a disadvantage"
"When I get my hands on it am going to make it wish it hadn't come out from it's egg" Yami starts to mumbling as he sits down to wait for the wyvern.
Because of lack of interaction with people for the pass two years Yami has been affected mentally as he has a habit of taking things to extreme such as walking around the forest blind folded.
With that the hunt for the wyvern started. Like that six months passed as Yami continued to hunt the wyvern. They have clashed a lot during that time with Yami gaining the upper hand with every battle.
Today Yami has it cornered.
"Hahaha… I finally got you, you dumb lizard " Yami said as he looked towards the wyvern.
The wyvern stood opposite of Yami it had a lot of scar on it's scale that where made by Yami it's wings were also injured so it couldn't take flight.
{Dark blade: dark cloak lightless slash}
A dark arc shoots towards the wyvern at a fasts speed. But as it has already fought Yami it already knew how to deal with it
Flapping it's wing it jumps up dodging the attack. Although it wings were injured it could still use his strength to move fast. but it wasn't the only one who knew the opponent well.
{Dark magic: dark cloak lightless wild slash}
As the wyvern was still in the air it was attacked by multiple slashes. With no way out the wyvern could only accept it's fate as it finally fell down not to stand every again.
"haa!! Its finally over " Yami said after let out a breath.
He has been hunting it for a long time now. The only reason that wyvern has been able to escape was because of its powerful defense and ability to fly.
As it was the top of the A ranked magic beast Yami wasn't powerful enough to take it down with a single attack.
Clearing his thoughts Yami walks up to the dead wyvern. Using his blade to remove it scale as a trophy.
After defeating the wyvern Yami finally started his journey to fairy tail.