**** X784 ****

It has been a year and a half since Yami joined fairytail. In the time he spent he has become as he has been taking up a lot of A class quest with a 100% success rate.

A year after joining he was granted the permission to take the S-class exam with Cana. Although he knew the story behind Cana wanting to be an S-class so she can tell Gilldart that he is her father. He still didn't go easy on her and successful passed becoming the 6th S-class mage in Fairytail.

After becoming an S-class he was challenged by Laxus to a fight which ended in a draw.

Laxus was considerably stronger than Erza with his lighting magic making him faster and stronger.

Walking into the guild Yami felt excited since today was the day that Lucy would join, meaning it's finally the start of canon.

The day began how it usually does, everyone fighting in the guild, creating a huge ruckus. while Yami sat at the bar counter talking with Mira.

"You aren't with Erza today?" Cana asks while drinking at the side.

Yami and Erza became really close to each other as both of them were swordsmen. They mostly take on missions together so it was rare to see him without her.

"Naah! She went for a mission alone this time" Yami said

"Where is master though?" Yami realized that Master Makarov was nowhere to be seen in the chaos. "He's not here..."

"Oh, the Master is usually out for business and things like that." Cana said.

"Then he-" Yami was cut off when a huge man slammed into Cana, smashing her through the wooden counter.

Yami looks at Cana who is still under the large man. Surprisingly, she had held her beer mug in her hands and it had not spilled a drop. He smiled at her loyalty to her drink.

"Get off me, Elfman!" Cana yelled underneath the man.

Yami watches from the side as Cana pushes Elfman away

"WE'RE BACK!" Yelled a Natsu as he entered the guild hall.

Two other figures stood behind him: a flying, talking cat and a blonde girl. The entire guild momentarily halted their fights and greeted the newcomers, Natsu, they called him. One of them attempted to talk to him, but instead Natsu kicked him right in the face.

"Why'd you do that!?" The blonde girl shrilly complained.

"You lied about that salamander!" Natsu yelled, raising his fist. "I'm gonna kick your butt!"

The guild member sat up, "Don't get mad at me, I'm not the one to blame here! I just passed along a rumor I heard!"

"It was a rumor?!" Natsu looked even angrier.

"You wanna fight?"

"Let's go!"

And the chaos had resumed. Natsu threw a punch, letting loose a cloud of dust. Subsequently, smaller skirmishes had continued in the guild, causing things to fly. The flying cat got knocked over to the side, lost in whatever the heck was going on. The blonde girl just stood there, seemingly lost in her thoughts.

When Lucy did arrive, she was flabbergasted, probably thinking to herself if she really is in the right guild. That was until Mira walked up and introduced herself, reassuring her that she was in the right guild.

Lucy had managed to recognize her from a magazines swimsuit page where she was ranked number 1.

The chaos ensued for a little bit more, until Cana took out a card that glowed green. "That's enough, you guys. I suggest you knock it off."

Gray put his hands together, preparing a spell. "Oh yeah? Says who?"

Elfman also casted a spell, turning his right arm into stone. Loke rubbed his ring, green magic emitting from it. Natsu set his hands ablaze, like roaring flames.

"They always fight like this?" Asked the blonde nervously, holding the cat in defense. The cat only responded with an 'Uhuh!'

The blonde sweat dropped. "You don't seem worried!"

As sudden as light, a large shadow of a monster appeared in the middle of a guild hall. "Will you fools stop bickering like children?!"

Master was able to stop the chaos while stomping on Natsu at the end.

Same as the canon the master gave a speech about magic and freedom hyping the whole guild

Yami smiles at this as this was one of the first moment of the series.

After all the introductions were over and done with, she received her guild mark. The master had called Yami over to talk to him about something

Makarov asks "Yami, I hear you fought against Laxus Again"

"Yeah I did, that guy never knows when to give up". Yami says as he sits down

Makarov says "Well he's never been anyone that can give him so much pressure so he kept mumbling about it when he didn't realize, saying that he had to get stronger to beat you."

"Well I will like to see that happen"

A little while later Romeo came running in asking the master to send some people to go check on his dad, since he hasn't been home for a couple days, and the master refused saying that he can look after himself, and that missions sometimes go over the expected duration

Just like in the anime he started to cry and ran out after getting angry

Natsu then grabbed Lucy and Happy and went to find Romeo, telling him that they'd go to Mt. Hakobe to bring Macao home

Seeing as he didn't need to do anything since Natsu would win, Yami stayed in the guild as he continues to chat with the guild master.

"Oh yes! Yami I am going to the guild meeting I was wondering if you would come with me." The master asks as he looks at Yami

"No problem I don't really have much to do anyways" Yami said

After waiting for a few hours Natsu finally came back with Macao,

"Yami!! Fight with me" Natsu challenged Yami to another fight as he jumps at him with a flaming fist.

Yami didn't even look at him as he tilt his body backwards dodging the attack while giving him an uppercut sending him flying.

"Just like that," Lucy says in surprise as she though Natsu would win, since she saw how powerful he was fighting against Bora and nearly destroying all of Hargeons

"Of course, Yami is one of the strongest people in Fairytail" happy says as he fly's behind her.