It has been three days since the event the lullaby after escaping from the angry wizards they were able to come back to the guild.

Now they were stand out side the guild about to watch the show down between Erza and Natsu

"Who do you think will win" said Lucy who was standing beside Gray and Yami

"It's obviously Erza" gray said while nodding his head

"That's right while Natsu has gotten stronger since the last time they fought he is still no match for Erza" Yami said looking at the two in the center of the crowd.

"Aren't you worried it will tear apart our strongest team?"

"Our strongest team?" Yami said looking at Lucy with a funny expression

He did like how Lucy's act in the anime always trying to be the voice of reason while sometimes trying to fit in.

"I mean you, Yami, Natsu, and Erza are the strongest wizards right?"

"Which idiot feed you that lie? Gray said

Yami points at Mirajane who starts to cry

"No Mira you're not an idiot"

"Nice going gray you made her cry" Yami said

"I'll hand it to gray and Natsu but they are far from being the strongest" elf man said

"If they had to say Yami should be one of the main candidates'" jet said

"Really?" Lucy said

"I don't think I'm that strong from what I have heard there is another person who has the title of ace of fairytail" Yami said

Yami has yet to meet with Gildart so he can't really say he is the strongest.

Erza changes to her flame empress armor as it was the best counter for natsu's flames

The master suddenly jumps down "round one start"

Both of them start to fight but before any of them could attack they were interrupted by a frogman

"that's enough" he said

"Huh what a messenger from the council doing here?" someone asked

"So, they came for Erza' Yami thought as it was same in the anime.

"Yami Sukehiro you are under arrest for the destruction of the forest near clover town"

"Huh? me?" Yami looked confused at what the frog just said.

"Why is it only Yami that is getting arrested? three us were there as well" Erza asked the frogman while glaring at him.

"This is the council's decision" he said

"Alright everyone calm down, it's not much of a big deal" Yami finally said he had already concluded that it was one of the few changes that were made to the canon.

"But..." Erza wanted to say something but is stopped by Yami who patted her head

It's alright I will be back in a day or two. Just keep an eye for Natsu me he might do something stupid" Yami said to her

She could only nod

"Ok then see you guys later" Yami said as he follows the frogman while putting on magic resistance hand-cuffs.

The journey to era was a short one. When they arrived Yami was taken into a large hall that looked like a courtroom. Yami got on the stand as he looked at the council members in front of him.

Yami also notice Ultear and Seigrain (Jellal) sitting among them.

"Silence! We will now start the trail of Yami Sukehiro" Gran Doma said he was the current chairman of the magic council.

"Yami, you are accused for the destruction of the forest around the clover town. What do you say in your defense?"

Yami just smirked and said "guilty as charged"

This surprised the council members as they thought he will argue about it

"what? you think I don't know what you are trying to do? rather than waste time here let just end it now"

The hall room descended into silence as they weren't anything to say as it didn't go the way they though

Coughing Gran Doma said "I will now deliver your sentence for your crime you are subjected to the fine of a million jewels and a day in prison. Case dismissed take him away"

Yami was taken into a prison cell. It only had a wooden bed in the cell. He lays on the bed uncomfortably

After a while, Yami opens his eyes he looks outside his cell

"How long do you plan on waiting out there?"

"Ara~ ara~ I didn't think you will find me"

"I have good senses. So, need something from me?"

"No not really, I just wanted to see the dark swordsman in person"

"Now that you see me what do you think"

"I have got to say am impressed. you are much stronger than I thought"

"Glad to see I meet up to your expectations" Yami said "now if your done with your survey I'm going back to sleep"

Ultear just smiles as she walks away from the cell. She enters a room where Jellal was waiting for her

"So, how was he?" he asked without even looking back

From what I observed from him I can't say much about his strength but we should observe him more" she said